Tag Archives: Entertainment

July, 2021

  • 28 July

    11 Astonishing Facts That Seem False at First Glance

    facts, glance, false, animals, life, Earth, history, science, ocean

    There are certain facts that are so astonishing that they sound completely made up. Take, for example, tigers are vengeful creatures or that dolphins can recognize each other through phones. While facts like these can make one think they are made up, the world is …

September, 2020

  • 3 September

    10 Clever Ways to Use Coffee Grounds Around the House

    coffee grounds, beverage, life, people, facts

    If you are an avid coffee drinker like me, then you would know that you produce plenty of coffee grounds every day. Most of us don’t even think twice about how useful they are and simply discard them. But, did you know that the byproduct …

August, 2020

  • 13 August

    Shower Thoughts That Make You Question Reality – Part III

    shower thoughts, entertainment, life, facts

    1. Your siblings are living alternate versions of what could have been you. 2. “Go to bed, you’ll feel better in the morning” is the human version of “Did you turn it off and turn it back on again?” 3. The Olympics should have a …

  • 6 August

    11 Puzzling Facts About Our World That Can Puzzle Anyone

    puzzling, facts, life, science, people, entertainment

    Are diamonds really that rare? How do insect repellants really work? Or are there any planets that spin the other way around, unlike Earth? We have the answers to some of the most puzzling facts on the internet, that will help you expand your knowledge. …

July, 2020

  • 9 July

    15 Riddles to Test Your Smarts | Can You Solve Them?

    riddles, entertainment, facts, life, people

    Who doesn’t love brain teasers and challenging riddles? They are the easiest yet sometimes most confusing things to understand. Some people have a natural ability to decode riddles and if you are one such person who loves to take on challenges, here are some interesting …

  • 7 July

    12 Ridiculous Facts That Will Stick With You Forever

    sleep, science, facts, people, life, entertainment

    As humans, our curiosity is never ending and we are always looking for ways to explore new horizons. Today, we have compiled a list of facts that are not only astonishing, but will stick with you forever. 1. If you keep your goldfish in a …

  • 4 July

    10 Germiest Household Items That Can Become Your Worst Enemies

    germiest, places, home, entertainment, science

    With everything going on, most of us have been cleaning our homes like never before. While cleaning the most obvious things can indeed protect us from harmful bacteria, there are things that we sometimes tend to overlook. For instance, one of the germiest things in …

  • 1 July

    12 Fascinating Facts That Sound Made Up

    thinking, facts, life, people, entertainment

    You can’t believe everything you read online, but there are things that sound made up that we have a hard time believing. So, we have gone through the trouble of researching and finding some fascinating facts you can use to impress your friends. Do you …

June, 2020

  • 25 June

    11 Surprising Facts That’ll Teach You Something New This Week

    learn, things, facts, science, life, entertainment

    The world is filled with surprising things. Every day, we learn something new that leaves us surprised and wonder, “how did I not know this?”. Here’s a list of 11 such facts that will teach you something new this week. 1. There are no mosquitoes …

  • 23 June

    10 Mind-Blowing Things People Learned Way, Way Late In Life

    late, knowledge, facts, life, people

    There are some things in life that we learn and come to understand as we grow up. Then, there are things that are hidden in plain sight, but we somehow missed the secrets they have been hiding. However, it is better late than never, to …

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