Tag Archives: Food

July, 2022

  • 1 July

    25 Facts You Didn’t Know You Needed To Hear

    needed, facts, people, entertainment, animals, space, facts

    1. Because wasabi is so difficult to grow, many restaurants outside of Japan serve a mixture of horseradish, mustard, and food coloring to imitate it. 2. Due to the electrons of your atoms repelling the electrons of other atoms, you never actually touch anything. If …

June, 2022

May, 2022

  • 24 May

    11 Surprising Facts About Maine Coon Cats

    Maine Coon, cat, swimming, life, facts, feline, animals, nature, pets

    Maine Coon cats have been the subject of many popular myths and lores. But what’s fact, and what’s fiction? Despite everything, they are still one of the most popular breeds out there. The largest domesticated cat breed, with distinctive physical traits is a one-of-a-kind breed …

  • 24 May

    White Pepper vs Black Pepper: What’s the Difference?

    Dried, ground black pepper is one of the most common spices in Western cuisine. But every once in a while, we come across a recipe that specifically calls for white pepper. The central ingredient is used worldwide in many different cuisines but not all peppers …

April, 2022

  • 7 April

    10 Fascinating Food Facts That Will Seriously Impress You

    food facts, life, humans, man, woman, people, weird, lifestyle

    Every day, the average adult consumes about three to four pounds of food. While eating is necessary to maintain our lives, so is learning about the foods we eat since it helps us make better decisions. For instance, did you know that peaches and nectarines …

September, 2021

  • 21 September

    Snacking Can Actually Be A Good Thing, Here’s Why

    snacking, chocolate, foods, walnuts, mid day slump, energy, women, men

    When you hear the word “snack”, what immediately comes to your mind is chips, cookies and everything sweet. This assumption makes many people hate even the idea of snacking. It however, turns out that eating between meals can actually be beneficial for you — that …

July, 2021

  • 28 July

    11 Astonishing Facts That Seem False at First Glance

    facts, glance, false, animals, life, Earth, history, science, ocean

    There are certain facts that are so astonishing that they sound completely made up. Take, for example, tigers are vengeful creatures or that dolphins can recognize each other through phones. While facts like these can make one think they are made up, the world is …

May, 2021

  • 5 May

    This Is Why the Coke at McDonald’s Tastes So Good

    Coke, Coca Cola, facts, food, beverage, life, foods, people

    Have you ever had Coke at McDonald’s and wondered why it tastes better than any other soda you have had in your life? If you have, then you are not alone and the taste difference is not something in your head. It’s true that the …

July, 2020

May, 2020

  • 28 May

    25 Mind-Blowing Facts About Food You Should Know

    food facts, insects, life, entertainment, nature

    There are a lot of things that we don’t know about the foods we consume everyday. For instance, did you know that figs are not consumed by vegetarians because they literally contain insects in them? Like that, we have gathered some interesting facts about food …

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