Tag Archives: Life

September, 2021

  • 21 September

    Snacking Can Actually Be A Good Thing, Here’s Why

    snacking, chocolate, foods, walnuts, mid day slump, energy, women, men

    When you hear the word “snack”, what immediately comes to your mind is chips, cookies and everything sweet. This assumption makes many people hate even the idea of snacking. It however, turns out that eating between meals can actually be beneficial for you — that …

August, 2021

  • 9 August

    10 Signs You Were Raised by Controlling Parents

    controlling parents, relationships, people, family, life, education, abstract

    Controlling parents are by definition focused on themselves. This can impact several aspects of someone’s life including social and emotional well-being, relationships, problem-solving skills, academic and career decisions, and overall life satisfaction. Here are 10 signs that will allow you to see if you were …

July, 2021

  • 28 July

    11 Astonishing Facts That Seem False at First Glance

    facts, glance, false, animals, life, Earth, history, science, ocean

    There are certain facts that are so astonishing that they sound completely made up. Take, for example, tigers are vengeful creatures or that dolphins can recognize each other through phones. While facts like these can make one think they are made up, the world is …

  • 13 July

    21 Amazing Facts You Didn’t Know About Your Own Body

    demodex, eyelashes, science, facts, people, own body

    The human body is an intricate piece of machinery capable of performing incredible tasks. Every day, with the coordination of our sensory organs as well as our limbs, we are able to do things that no other living being can. While we are different and …

June, 2021

  • 15 June

    15 Mind-Blowing Facts You’ve Never Heard Before

    Saudi Arabia, camels, sand, Australia, import, export, countries, facts

    Every day, we come across so much information that makes us realize how little we truly know. Between animals, weather, different cultures, food, politics, and history, there is so much to learn.  If you are bored, or simply want to impress someone, use this list …

  • 9 June

    10 Dog Breeds That Are Not Allowed in Other Countries

    Breeds, dogs, life, animals, people, love, relationship

    It’s not unusual for countries to bring regulations as to what type of foods or breeds of animals are allowed. Many factors come to play in making these decisions and some of them being the wellbeing of the animal or the wellbeing of other existing …

May, 2021

  • 5 May

    This Is Why the Coke at McDonald’s Tastes So Good

    Coke, Coca Cola, facts, food, beverage, life, foods, people

    Have you ever had Coke at McDonald’s and wondered why it tastes better than any other soda you have had in your life? If you have, then you are not alone and the taste difference is not something in your head. It’s true that the …

  • 4 May

    This is Why Your Dog Randomly Puts His Paw on You

    paw, humans, love, dog, animals, happiness

    Dogs have been man’s best friend for thousands of years. Ever since dogs and humans decided to coexist, we have been trying to decode their behavior. For instance, scientists have found that they follow us around everywhere because of pack mentality. They dig at certain …

September, 2020

  • 3 September

    10 Clever Ways to Use Coffee Grounds Around the House

    coffee grounds, beverage, life, people, facts

    If you are an avid coffee drinker like me, then you would know that you produce plenty of coffee grounds every day. Most of us don’t even think twice about how useful they are and simply discard them. But, did you know that the byproduct …

August, 2020

  • 13 August

    Shower Thoughts That Make You Question Reality – Part III

    shower thoughts, entertainment, life, facts

    1. Your siblings are living alternate versions of what could have been you. 2. “Go to bed, you’ll feel better in the morning” is the human version of “Did you turn it off and turn it back on again?” 3. The Olympics should have a …

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