
25 Facts You Didn’t Know You Needed To Hear

needed, facts, people, entertainment, animals, space, facts

1. Because wasabi is so difficult to grow, many restaurants outside of Japan serve a mixture of horseradish, mustard, and food coloring to imitate it. 2. Due to the electrons of your atoms repelling the electrons of other atoms, you never actually touch anything. If …

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15 Fascinating Facts You’ll Want to Share with Everyone You Know

Earth, facts, science, people, life, everyone

In the era of the internet, we constantly come across interesting facts and trivia about our world. There are however, some random facts that can catch us off guard in the best possible way. For instance, mushrooms are more animals than plants and that New …

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11 Lifesaving Facts You Should Remember Once and for All

lifesaving, facts, people, life, survival

When it comes to surviving, it’s always best to stay educated. By doing so, we not only increase our chances, but also the chances of survival of others around us. Even with all the technology available and advances in science, every day, people face situations …

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10 Feel-Good Facts That are Sure to Put a Smile on Your Face

feel good, facts, animals, cats, life

Today, most of what we hear on news websites or social media is negativity and bad things happening all around the globe. Of course, there are some things you just can’t prevent and this type of news spreads fast, especially with the ease in sharing …

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10 Interesting Things That Will Likely Happen Before 2050

interesting things, facts, NASA, space, exploration

The future is bright and filled with possibilities. Today, we are more scientifically advanced than ever before, with breakthroughs made in the field of science and medicine. We know that by the mid-century, self-driving cars will be a common commodity and intelligent machines will be …

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11 Little-Known Facts That Can Save Your Life One Day

save your life, survival, facts, science, people

Every life is precious and in this fast moving world, it is important to be aware of the rapid changes. Being aware of your surroundings and the ability to make quick decisions, increases the chances of your survival. Without the proper knowledge, there have been …

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A Swiss Billionaire Is Donating $1 Billion to Save Our Beautiful Planet

Swiss, nature, philanthropist, life, facts

The majority of the Earth’s surface, approximately 71%, is covered by oceans. The remaining 29% is land, but 33% of that land surface is actually desert. This gives us only a small amount of land that is actually usable or hospitable. Scientists predict that if …

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10 Incredible Pets That Found Their Way Home After Years of Being Lost

animals, found, life, rescue, stories, facts

Having a pet that is dear to your heart and then losing it without a clue can be devastating. Being able to love is nothing when compared to the love that is returned from your pet. Some humans develop a larger than life relationship with …

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This Timelapse of A Single Cell Becoming An Organism Is Extremely Captivating

organism, nature, Earth, science, photography, facts

The universe is shrouded with mysteries. As technology advances every day, we are able to see and understand things that were previously unknown. Today, manmade robots, satellites and probes are traveling millions of light years away and sending information so that we have a better …

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