
12 Crazy Facts About Earth You Never Learned in School

learned, facts, science, people, space, Kepler-422 b, Earth, universe

Our planet Earth is estimated to be 4.543 billion years old while the modern form of humans evolved about 200,000 years ago. Civilization as we know it is only about 6,000 years old, and industrialization started in the earnest only in the 1800’s. Even though …

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11 Facts So Weird You Won’t Believe They’re True

weird, thumb, facts, science, women, men, life, entertainment

No matter how much we learn, there’s always something that we never knew existed or happened a certain way. Today, the ease of access to internet allows anyone to do a quick search and learn new things. Between impressive inventions and natural oddities, there’s so …

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11 Astonishing Facts That Seem False at First Glance

facts, glance, false, animals, life, Earth, history, science, ocean

There are certain facts that are so astonishing that they sound completely made up. Take, for example, tigers are vengeful creatures or that dolphins can recognize each other through phones. While facts like these can make one think they are made up, the world is …

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15 Mind-Blowing Facts You’ve Never Heard Before

Saudi Arabia, camels, sand, Australia, import, export, countries, facts

Every day, we come across so much information that makes us realize how little we truly know. Between animals, weather, different cultures, food, politics, and history, there is so much to learn.  If you are bored, or simply want to impress someone, use this list …

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11 Puzzling Facts About Our World That Can Puzzle Anyone

puzzling, facts, life, science, people, entertainment

Are diamonds really that rare? How do insect repellants really work? Or are there any planets that spin the other way around, unlike Earth? We have the answers to some of the most puzzling facts on the internet, that will help you expand your knowledge. …

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15 Facts That Sound False But Are Actually Totally True

music, comedy, history, life, facts, true

There are some facts that sound far fetched but can in fact turn out to be true. For instance, did you know that Charlie Chaplin and 50 Cent were alive at the same time? Read on to find out some pretty interesting facts that sound …

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20 Facts About the World We Had to Double-Check to Believe

double, facts, science, entertainment, life

There are some facts that are capable of surprising us. Then, there are facts that can makes us double-check to make sure it is in fact true. Here, we have gathered a list of 20 such facts that will make you double-check to believe. 1. …

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10 Strange Phenomena That Have Surprised Science And Humanity

Mississippi, river, mighty river, life, entertainment, facts, science, travel, phenomena

The curiosity of a human being is bigger than the universe itself. Since we started roaming this beautiful planet, we have uncovered secrets and answers to things we never imagined to be possible. Yet, with all the advancements in scientific technologies, there are things that …

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10 Disproven Myths That People Still Believe

disproven, myths, facts, science, fiction

Our brains are wired to acquire information, which allows us to ensure our survival. However, as humans, we have the habit of sticking to things that we strongly believe to be true; even though they were scientifically disproven. For instance, consuming too much sugar makes …

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5 Amazing Coincidences You Won’t Believe Actually Happened

coincidences, facts, science, life, history, planets

There are some things in life that happen because we have planned for them to happen. Then there are things that cannot be dismissed as any random event. Maybe, it’s a coincidence or maybe there’s a bigger meaning behind them. For whatever reason, these events …

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