
13 Common American Customs that are Considered Rude in Other Countries

customs, life, facts, entertainment, people

Traveling is good for you. Whenever you travel, you learn how different the world is than back home. It not only makes you appreciate the little things, but also makes you understand that the world is not the same everywhere. Some of the things we …

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13 Mind-Blowing Facts That Are Stranger Than Fiction!

stranger, fiction, facts, science, technology, research, animals

Every day, there are things happening that most of us won’t ever even hear about. Among those however, are stories and facts so insane, that that they have their own way of making it to our ears. While most of them sound unbelievable, some sound …

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7 Thanksgiving Facts to Impress Your Friends

Thanksgiving, facts, life, history, people

Most of us know the basics about the holiday, including the story of how it got started. However, there are things some of us might not know about Thanksgiving. For instance, did you know that the first Thanksgiving was celebrated in the New World in …

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What 10 Spices Look Like Before They Make It to the Grocery Store

spices, food, facts, life, people, cooking, entertainment

Our favorite dishes would have never existed without the hundreds of spices that we have today. But, did you know that the spices that we use on a daily basis don’t exactly look the way they do when they are purchased? For instance, sesame seeds …

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10 Bizarre Phobias You Never Knew Existed

phobias, facts, science, people, life

Everyone is afraid of something. While some people are afraid of spiders, there are others who are scared of closed or tight spaces. The fear of spiders, closed spaces, open spaces and so on, is common. Then there are those who have irrational fears of …

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8 Facts About the World That Sound Like Fiction But Are True

fiction, facts, science, entertainment, life

Through reading books, watching documentaries, and with the help of the internet, we gain knowledge and learn a lot of helpful things. At the same time, there are things that seem so far fetched or even fictional, that we have a hard time wrapping our …

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12 Surprising Facts You Didn’t Know About the World’s Oceans

oceans, life, earth, planet, travel, adventure, facts

It’s a well known fact that the majority of our planet’s surface is covered by oceans. Despite this, we have only managed to explore a relatively small percentage of it. In fact, more than 70% of the world’s oceans are yet to be explored. While …

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10 Airline Secrets That Will Change How You Feel About Flying

airline secrets, facts, flying, adventure, travel, facts

Flying is one of the most popular means of travel. It’s not only the fastest way to travel across the globe, but also the safest. While most travelers are aware of the tips and tricks to make their travel routine a bit easier, there are …

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10 Happy Facts That Will Put a Smile on Your Face

happy facts, science, people, life, humanity

Life can be stressful. Whether it’s work, relationships or simply life in general, we all have those days where we just want to wrap ourselves in a blanket and hide from everything. At times, the world can seem like a fairly negative and cynical place, …

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