
Why do Some Trucks and Buses Have Plastic Arrows on the Wheels?

loose nut indicator, tires, semi's, trucks, facts, road safety, United States, America, life, travel

Unlike the small cars and trucks we see on the road every day, semi’s and buses are very big vehicles that travel a lot. Most semi’s/trucks or buses spend an average of 110,000 miles on the road every year. And it’s no surprise that during …

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12 Facts You Always Believed That Actually Aren’t True

believed, facts, science, travel, people, health, food, bacteria,

Many of the assumptions you make about life, and everything included in it, are based on tall tales and hearsay. As time goes on, myths and tales become reality for some and they basically believe it to be true; even though it’s scientifically disproven. Today, …

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19 Fun Facts of the Day to Make You Feel Instantly Smarter

instantly smarter, life, facts, people, travel, Earth

1. In Barbados, a small eastern Caribbean island, when you turn 100, you get a stamp made in your honor. 2. There are more than 7,500 types of apples in the world, which means you’ll need more than 20 years to try each of them, …

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15 Essential Facts That Will Be Useful In Your Everyday Life

essential facts, life, people, weird, science,

With internet access readily available at our fingertips, we have unlimited access to more than 1 million exabytes of information. Still, we manage to indulge ourselves into the constant noise of social media and the 24-hour news cycle. This can be frustrating at times since …

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15 Fascinating Facts You’ll Want to Share with Everyone You Know

Earth, facts, science, people, life, everyone

In the era of the internet, we constantly come across interesting facts and trivia about our world. There are however, some random facts that can catch us off guard in the best possible way. For instance, mushrooms are more animals than plants and that New …

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Shower Thoughts That Make You Question Reality – Part III

shower thoughts, entertainment, life, facts

1. Your siblings are living alternate versions of what could have been you. 2. “Go to bed, you’ll feel better in the morning” is the human version of “Did you turn it off and turn it back on again?” 3. The Olympics should have a …

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10 Interesting Things That Will Likely Happen Before 2050

interesting things, facts, NASA, space, exploration

The future is bright and filled with possibilities. Today, we are more scientifically advanced than ever before, with breakthroughs made in the field of science and medicine. We know that by the mid-century, self-driving cars will be a common commodity and intelligent machines will be …

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10 Airline Secrets That Will Change How You Feel About Flying

airline secrets, facts, flying, adventure, travel, facts

Flying is one of the most popular means of travel. It’s not only the fastest way to travel across the globe, but also the safest. While most travelers are aware of the tips and tricks to make their travel routine a bit easier, there are …

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10 Amazing Places For Anyone Who Loves Road Trips

road, facts, travel, people, Norway, Fjord

It’s a known fact that traveling is good for both the body and the mind. Not only does it relieve stress, but also promotes positive thinking. When we travel, we forget about the stress and strain associated with every day life and indulge in some …

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