Tag Archives: People

November, 2018

  • 17 November

    12 Freezing Facts About Antarctica

    Antarctica, people, science, facts

    More than a century ago, no one knew that there was such a place called Antarctica. The fifth largest continent in the world covers more than 5.4 million square miles. Situated within the Antarctic Circle, temperatures are consistently below zero almost all year round. The conditions make it …

  • 16 November

    12 Photos That Show How Foods Are Grown In Real-Life

    cashews, food, nature, grown

    Since the inception of technology and the internet, our way of life has been changing rapidly. It’s the era of shopping through the internet and curbside pickups. Some of us rarely have time to even go to the grocery store anymore. But before all of …

  • 14 November

    10 Bizarre Fashion Trends That Are Better Left In The Past

    fashion, trend, life, people, history

    From torn up jeans to coloring your hair grey, our world is filled with weird fashion frenzy. People find certain fashions desirable because it represents who they are. It is a way for them to individually express themselves. No matter how much the industry has …

  • 12 November

    10 Things That Used to be Trashy But is Now Considered Classy

    lobster, food, classy, history, facts

    Life is not the same as it was centuries ago. Today, we have smartphones, GPS guidance, satellite imagery and what not. We are living in the future and technology is developing day by day. Our ancestors did not have these luxuries but still managed to …

  • 10 November

    10 of the World’s Most Beautiful Libraries

    libraries, facts, reading, knowledge

    For some, music is the way to escape from reality and for others, they are books. Many of the world’s most beautiful libraries are open to the public in order to encourage reading. These historic places are filled with thousands of books that have been …

  • 10 November

    These Windowless Airplanes Will Give Passengers High-Res Panoramic Views

    windowless, flying, planes, facts, people

    For more than a century, airplanes have been an efficient mode of travel. It’s the fastest means of transport available today and millions of people around the world choose this every year. The window seats however, are the best place to be while on air. …

  • 9 November

    15 People Who Are Definitely Having A Worse Day Than You

    water, stories, people, life, worse

    Everyone goes through a rough patch in life; well, at least some of us do. Staying strong, hoping that we are not the only ones suffering and thinking that someone else is having it worse than us is the only thing that keeps us moving …

  • 9 November

    10 Foods We Can No Longer Buy In The United States

    Kinder Egg, Casu Marzu, Food, foods, people

    Traveling is good for us. Not only is it healthy but it also helps us learn about other countries and see how different things are. Have you ever been to another country and found something that is not available in yours? Then wondered, why can’t …

  • 6 November

    10 Amazing Facts About Usain Bolt, The Fastest Man On Earth

    Athlete, facts, Usain Bolt, Jamaica

    Everyone knows Usain Bolt as the fastest man on Earth. The legendary figure from Jamaica has a remarkable track record and career. Without a doubt, we can say that he’s one of the most promising athletes in the world right now. History will remember him …

  • 6 November

    This Couple Spent $25,000 and Converted a Truck into an Amazing Mobile Home

    couple, travel, life, truck, home

    For some of us, owning a house is like the ultimate dream. But, in this economy, paying bills and staying afloat barely leaves anything in our accounts. A Nottingham couple however, decided to go against it all and do things their way. Iona Stewart and Martin …

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