Tag Archives: NASA

April, 2020

  • 30 April

    10 Disproven Myths That People Still Believe

    disproven, myths, facts, science, fiction

    Our brains are wired to acquire information, which allows us to ensure our survival. However, as humans, we have the habit of sticking to things that we strongly believe to be true; even though they were scientifically disproven. For instance, consuming too much sugar makes …

  • 27 April

    A Massive Asteroid That Looks Like It’s Wearing A Face Mask Is Approaching Earth

    asteroid, Earth, NASA, facts, space, 1998 OR2

    It’s not unusual for asteroids to zip past Earth. Scientists estimate that every year, several dozens of asteroids of different sizes fly by Earth at a distance closer than the moon. A team of experts at Arecibo Observatory however, observed an unusually shaped asteroid, which …

  • 22 April

    NASA Discovers Hidden Exoplanet Which Has Striking Similarities to Earth

    exoplanet, Kepler 1649c, KST, space telescope, NASA, facts, Earth-like planet, space program

    Kepler is the world’s first mission with the ability to find true Earth analogs — planets that orbit stars like our sun in the “habitable zone”. The habitable zone is the region around a star where the temperature is just right for water. The Kepler …

February, 2020

  • 6 February

    10 Astonishing Facts Guaranteed to Give You a New Sense of Wonder

    wonder, facts, science, space, entertainment

    As we grow older, our curiosity to discover things slowly fades away. We become more involved with our personal life, friends and family members. While becoming an adult and being responsible is important in life, so is maintaining a sense of wonder. Learning new things …

March, 2019

  • 13 March

    NASA’s Before-and-After Images Show How We’re Transforming the Planet

    Aral sea, China, transforming, NASA, science, facts

    Since our introduction to this planet, we have been replacing nature and other species to become dominant. At the same time, knowingly or unknowingly, we have been transforming this planet into something different. For centuries, we have been clearing forests, rivers and moving animal species …

December, 2018

November, 2018

  • 21 November

    10 Astounding Facts About the First Moon Landing

    moon, Apollo 11, facts, science

    On July 20, 1969, mankind made history when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. The feat was a huge achievement and since then, only 11 others have had the honor to walk on the lunar surface. Interestingly, none of the 12 people who have had the …

August, 2018

  • 9 August

    10 Crazy Facts About The Universe That Will Blow Your Mind

    universe, fact, facts, space, space X, NASA, world, planet, Moon, Earth, Sun

    We are but a tiny speck in this ever-expanding universe. No one knows exactly how large the universe is. It could be infinite or have an edge. While scientists argue about the shape and size of the universe, they are capable of determining one thing …

August, 2017

January, 2017

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