Tag Archives: Medical

March, 2019

  • 28 March

    12 Foods That Accelerate Aging And Make You Look Older

    aging, life, people, facts, health

    Compounds called AGEs (Advanced glycation end-products) speed up the aging process in your body. Your poor diet can be a direct link to wrinkles, fine lines, dry skin and even hair loss. It can also damage your skin’s collagen, which is the protein that keeps …

February, 2019

January, 2019

  • 23 January

    10 Sinister Parasites That Control the Lives of Their Hosts

    parasites, food, nature, facts, life, science

    Parasites are all around us. No matter how clean and tidy we keep ourselves and our surroundings, we just can’t get rid of them. They have been in this world longer than us and they are here to stay. While most parasites in the human …

September, 2018

  • 20 September

    10 Types of Psychological Disorders and The Signs They are Present

    disorder, mental illness, life, people, psyshological

    In a given year, around 54 million Americans suffer from some form of mental health issue. For some, it is caused by addiction, while for others, the illness is caused by something deep-set, such as genetics. Scientists have been trying to understand the roots of psychological …

July, 2018

  • 19 July

    10 Eye-Opening Facts You Might Not Know About Migraines

    Migraines, fact, facts, people, life, society, medical

    Migraines are a neurological condition and are not just headaches. The recurring pounding or throbbing in the head is often followed by nausea and vomiting, sensitivity to light, sound, and strong smells. Sufferers of migraines have a hard time completing tasks or performing physical activities. …

June, 2017

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