Tag Archives: Life

December, 2018

  • 24 December

    10 Scientific Reasons You Feel Cold All the Time

    cold, ice, winter, people, facts

    Feeling cold during winter is a normal thing. If you however, are someone who is always reaching out for a sweater, no matter what season it is, then experts share what might be behind your shivers. The reality is that there are a whole host of …

  • 22 December

    Scientists Confirm That Your Meanest Friend Is the One Who Actually Cares About You the Most

    meanest, friend, facts, people, life

    Friends play an important part in our lives. They are there for us during the best and worst of times. It’s hard to imagine a life without them. To have friends who care about you is truly a blessing. However, in most of our lives, …

  • 22 December

    10 Amazing Facts That Will Impress You

    food, nature, people, life, facts

    Our world is a mysterious and wondrous place to be. Although we think we know everything about our planet, there will always be something new that will not only impress us but leave us wondering how and why? New technological advancements in the field of …

  • 19 December

    If You Want to Improve Air Quality in Your House, Use these NASA-Approved Plants

    plants, nature, health, facts, life

    The majority of us spend our time indoors; especially during the months of winter. Extreme summer months also force us to stay indoors as much as we can, except when we are out swimming. It might not come as a surprise that most adults in …

  • 18 December

    If Music Gives You Goosebumps, You May Have A Unique Brain, Research Finds

    goosebumps, music, facts, life, people

    Music plays an important role in our lives. It has the ability to heal us mentally and emotionally. For centuries, we have used the form of art to express our emotions as well as escape from reality. It can make us forget the things we …

  • 18 December

    10 Unexpected Things You Can Actually Eat

    unexpected, food, eat, edible, facts

    In case something unexpected happens, we need to be able to find enough food in order to live off the land. Today, most of us rely on fast-food, frozen meals and canned items. All of these foods come with an expiration date. So, what about …

  • 16 December

    9 Awesome Internet Hacks to Simplify Your Life

    technology, science, facts, life, people

    A majority of the population is now connected to the internet, more than ever before. The United Nations agency that oversees international communications estimates that there are more than 3.2 billion devices connected to the internet, at any given time. We cannot imagine a life …

  • 15 December

    10 Crazy Things That Are Considered Normal in Other Countries

    customs, normal, life, facts

    Every country, and the people occupying it, has different laws, traditions, rituals and beliefs. For outsiders, it might appear a bit strange or even plain crazy. But hey, who are we to judge? We all have secrets that we safeguard because people may think that …

  • 13 December

    11 Habits of People With Concealed Depression

    depression, people, life, facts

    Depression is a topic that is not always openly discussed. If you are someone who suffers from it, you are not alone. A majority of sufferers hide it from their friends and family members. Depression often goes unseen, unrecognized, and undiagnosed. A person with concealed …

  • 13 December

    11 Ordinary Things That Can Get You Arrested in a Foreign Country

    coral, ordinary, facts, life, nature

    Staying within the law can be a bit tricky when you travel across the globe. What is considered normal in our country might be completely unacceptable in another. When going overseas, it’s important to learn as much as you can about the local customs, laws …

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