Tag Archives: health

September, 2022

  • 25 September

    33 Rare Facts to Surprise Even the Most Knowledgeable Person

    rare, facts, universe, life, planet, water, insects, spiders, humans, relationship, travel, history

    1. It took 200,000 years for the human population to reach 1 billion. Then it only took 200 years for it to reach 7 billion. 2. Mental breaks (such as naps, meditation, and nature walks) increase productivity, replenish attention, solidify memories, and encourage creativity. 3. …

July, 2022

  • 11 July

    12 Facts You Always Believed That Actually Aren’t True

    believed, facts, science, travel, people, health, food, bacteria,

    Many of the assumptions you make about life, and everything included in it, are based on tall tales and hearsay. As time goes on, myths and tales become reality for some and they basically believe it to be true; even though it’s scientifically disproven. Today, …

  • 1 July

    25 Facts You Didn’t Know You Needed To Hear

    needed, facts, people, entertainment, animals, space, facts

    1. Because wasabi is so difficult to grow, many restaurants outside of Japan serve a mixture of horseradish, mustard, and food coloring to imitate it. 2. Due to the electrons of your atoms repelling the electrons of other atoms, you never actually touch anything. If …

June, 2022

  • 8 June

    Why You Should Never Rinse Your Mouth After Brushing Your Teeth!

    rinse, brush, brushing, tooth, bacteria, life, facts, lifestyle, hygiene,

    For some, brushing is a difficult chore, whereas for others, brushing twice or more is an integral part of the daily routine. It is however common for most people to rinse their teeth with water after they are done brushing. Is it beneficial to rinse …

May, 2019

  • 5 May

    10 Healthy Reasons You Should Eat a Banana Every Day

    healthy, depression, facts, life, people, bananas

    Bananas are not only delicious but they are extremely healthy for us, too. Also known as nature’s candy, they are naturally sweet, contain several essential nutrients, and are good for digestion and heart health. They are also affordable, making them one of the most exported …

April, 2019

  • 29 April

    10 Scientific Reasons You Are Tired, Even After Sleeping Well

    sleeping, facts, life, entertainment, foods

    We have all been there. We wake up from an 8 hour sleep, hoping to feel rejuvenated, refreshed, and wide awake, but instead, we are exhausted. It can be frustrating that even though we received the recommended amount of sleep, we simply can’t function. Unfortunately, …

  • 24 April

    8 Reasons Why Frequent Cleaning Can Be Bad for You

    cleaning, facts, life, people, medical

    For millions around the world, cleaning is a form of escape from anxiety. The need to have things organized and spotless is a trait shared by every 1 in 40 adults around the world. However, recent studies show that constant exposure to cleaning materials is …

  • 14 April

    10 Amazing Things That Happen to Your Body When You Stop Eating Sugar

    sugar, health, life, people, facts

    We all know that too much sugar isn’t good for us. Even the government advices the public to use sugar in moderation. In order to discourage people from consuming high amounts of sugar, countries around the world are introducing “sugar tax” to soft drink manufacturers. …

  • 9 April

    10 “Bad Habits” That Are Actually Good For Your Health, According to Science

    health, facts, people, life, random

    We grew up hearing our parents yell at us for playing video games for too long or for not cleaning our rooms. Well, it turns out that some of those things actually benefit us in the long run. Many of the activities that our parents …

March, 2019

  • 28 March

    12 Foods That Accelerate Aging And Make You Look Older

    aging, life, people, facts, health

    Compounds called AGEs (Advanced glycation end-products) speed up the aging process in your body. Your poor diet can be a direct link to wrinkles, fine lines, dry skin and even hair loss. It can also damage your skin’s collagen, which is the protein that keeps …

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