
These Windowless Airplanes Will Give Passengers High-Res Panoramic Views

windowless, flying, planes, facts, people

For more than a century, airplanes have been an efficient mode of travel. It’s the fastest means of transport available today and millions of people around the world choose this every year. The window seats however, are the best place to be while on air. …

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15 People Who Are Definitely Having A Worse Day Than You

water, stories, people, life, worse

Everyone goes through a rough patch in life; well, at least some of us do. Staying strong, hoping that we are not the only ones suffering and thinking that someone else is having it worse than us is the only thing that keeps us moving …

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10 Amazing Facts About Usain Bolt, The Fastest Man On Earth

Athlete, facts, Usain Bolt, Jamaica

Everyone knows Usain Bolt as the fastest man on Earth. The legendary figure from Jamaica has a remarkable track record and career. Without a doubt, we can say that he’s one of the most promising athletes in the world right now. History will remember him …

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This Couple Spent $25,000 and Converted a Truck into an Amazing Mobile Home

couple, travel, life, truck, home

For some of us, owning a house is like the ultimate dream. But, in this economy, paying bills and staying afloat barely leaves anything in our accounts. A Nottingham couple however, decided to go against it all and do things their way. Iona Stewart and Martin …

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15 Everyday Things You Didn’t Know Actually Have Names

Morton's toe, names, things, facts

There are things we see everyday but do not know what their actual names are. In some cases, we don’t even expect that things as simple as the metal part of a pencil that holds in the rubber has a specific name. And that is …

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11 Silly Inventions That Made Their Creators Millionaires

inventions, life, people, facts

Everyone has million dollar ideas but only a handful of us ever become successful or filthy rich. While some people come up with ideas that revolutionize the field of science, there are others who just invent silly stuff. Their purpose? None other than making them …

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10 Weird and Unusual Monuments From Around the World

monuments, sculptures, countries, life, people

Landmarks or monuments are considered the pride of a country or culture. They are not only part of history, but are also reminders of what our ancestors had to endure. Some of the most famous monuments include The Statue of Liberty, Great Wall of China …

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10 of the Most Inspirational Rags-To-Riches Stories Ever

Colonel Sanders, KFC, people, inspirational

For some, success is something they obtain at birth. Others have to work hard all their lives to make their dream a reality. “You need to spend money to make money”, is a phrase that is all too common for the wealthy. But, what about …

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10 Stories of People Who Secretly Lived In Other People’s Houses

people, life, facts, stories

Our homes are our fortresses of solitude. Nowhere else on Earth gives us the comfort that we find within the walls of our home. It’s not unusual to find critters lurking in the garage or ceilings of our houses. They somehow manage to sneak through …

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11 Strange and Intriguing Facts about Halloween

Halloween, candy, life, people

Halloween is a special tradition that dates back to the eighteenth century. Candies, costumes and parties: what’s not to like about Halloween? Whether it’s for a good scare or for the candy, almost all of us love the the supernatural celebration with a long history. Creepy …

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