United States

13 Common American Customs that are Considered Rude in Other Countries

customs, life, facts, entertainment, people

Traveling is good for you. Whenever you travel, you learn how different the world is than back home. It not only makes you appreciate the little things, but also makes you understand that the world is not the same everywhere. Some of the things we …

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Vermont Is Paying People $10,000 to Move There and Work From Home

Burlington, Vermont, facts, people, travel

For those who are looking for a fresh start in life, to work remotely and like cold winters, Vermont is the place to go. The state in the northeastern United States is known for its natural landscape and 19th century wooden bridges. Within the past …

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12 Simple Things That are Actually Illegal in Some Parts of the US

laws, facts, people, United States, travel

For most of us, pumping gas or wearing high heels is just part of everyday life. But, if you take a look at the law books, you would be surprised to find out that such simple acts are actually considered illegal in many states across …

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10 Lesser-Known Facts About the Amazing Life of Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves, people, celebrities, facts, life, Hollywood

It’s a known fact that the world is a better place with Keanu Reeves in it. Born to a half-Hawaiian, half-Chinese father and an English mother in 1964, Reeves has had a tragic past. However, he chose to turn his life around for the best …

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NASA’s Before-and-After Images Show How We’re Transforming the Planet

Aral sea, China, transforming, NASA, science, facts

Since our introduction to this planet, we have been replacing nature and other species to become dominant. At the same time, knowingly or unknowingly, we have been transforming this planet into something different. For centuries, we have been clearing forests, rivers and moving animal species …

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This Army Vet and Wife Are Considering Getting Divorced in Order to Afford Their Daughter’s Healthcare Costs

couple, love, married, healthcare, life

It’s a known fact that healthcare is outrageous. Today, the average American struggles to keep up with hospital bills. A century ago, in 1908, health care was virtually unregulated and health insurance, nonexistent. Physicians practiced medicine and treated patients in the comfort of their homes. Now, …

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10 Bizarre Things Mailed Through the U.S. Postal System

mailed, USPS, facts, history

It’s always fun to get mail from an old friend or someone you weren’t expecting. Since the beginning of the U.S. Postal Service in 1775, millions, if not billions, of letters and packages have been delivered throughout the world. People utilized the postal service to …

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