
The Eiffel Tower Has A Secret Apartment At the Top But You Can’t Stay In It

Eiffel tower, secret apartment, room, Gustave Eiffel, Paris, France, Mind Blowing Facts

Paris, originally a Roman City called “Lutetia”, was founded in the 3rd century BC. The city of love and romance is also called “The City of Light” (La Ville Lumière) because of its leading role during the Age of Enlightenment and also because it was one of the …

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10 Flights In The History Of Aviation That Mysteriously Vanished Without A Trace

Airplane disappearance, flights

Air travel is the quickest way to reach a destination. The Bureau of Transportation reports that there are a total of 631,939,829 passengers boarding domestic flights in the United States alone every year; which averages to 1.73 million passengers flying per day. Every now and …

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10 Extinct Animals Scientists Can Bring Back From The Dead

extinct, animals, species, science, fact, facts

Plenty of animals have gone extinct in Earth’s lifetime. Even without the intervention of humans, many plants and animals have been subjected to mass extinction; eliminating their presence from our planet. Whether the reason for their demise was natural or unnatural, we have never been …

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10 Extinct Animals That Are Lost To Humanity But Are Preserved In Photographs

We consider extinction to be a silent process that took place somewhere in the dark ages. The dinosaurs aren’t the only ones that were prone to extinction. Humanity has been the reason for the total elimination of many creatures, while some were taken back by …

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Onfim: A 7-Year-Old Boy Who Preserved His 700-Year-Old Homework On Birch Bark

Onfim, an ordinary boy like many others, lived in Novgorod, in Russia, during the 13th century. At the time, it was a common practice to write letters as well as draw pictures everywhere. Onfim followed the practice and used a sharp stylus to draw pictures on …

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12 Interesting Factoids About U.S. Trips to The Moon That You Have Never Heard

The Apollo program or project Apollo was the third U.S. spaceflight program conducted by NASA. Astronauts Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins left Earth in Apollo 11 on July 16, 1969. Four days later, man took his first steps on the moon. The astronauts …

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