
Why Are The Top of School Buses Painted White?

white, roof, school bus, facts, travel, road safety

If someone asks you to think of a school bus, you can only imagine it in yellow. Since 1939, school buses have been painted yellow and there’s a good reason behind it. Back in 1939, Frank W. Cyr, “father of the yellow school bus,” held …

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20 Random, Weird Facts So You Can Learn Something New This Week

week, facts, life, people, weird, phone, smartphone, science

Every now and then, we come across facts that make us wonder what else we are missing out on in life. For instance, did you know that TV commercials emit a tone inaudible to the human ear? Or that there is actually a word for …

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25 Facts You Didn’t Know You Needed To Hear

needed, facts, people, entertainment, animals, space, facts

1. Because wasabi is so difficult to grow, many restaurants outside of Japan serve a mixture of horseradish, mustard, and food coloring to imitate it. 2. Due to the electrons of your atoms repelling the electrons of other atoms, you never actually touch anything. If …

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10 Fascinating Science Facts That Are Strangely True

strangely, facts, life, animals, science, universe, travel, Sun, Earth, blue marble

Even if science wasn’t your favorite subject in school, it’s hard not to be amazed by some amazing science facts. Seriously, just think about how amazing our world truly is. No matter how much we think know, the truth is, we only know a small …

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Is It Illegal to Drive Barefoot in Your State?

car, driving, life, facts, traffic, people, barefoot, safety

You have probably heard from others that it is against the law to drive barefoot. But is driving barefoot really illegal? Or does it pose any safety concerns for those who are driving? Does your state impose any restrictions on this behavior? We have the …

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12 Interesting and Fun Facts About Sweden

Sweden, facts, life, people, transportation, cleanliness, science, culture

Sweden is one of the most impressive countries in the world that everyone should visit it at least once. Although it’s famously known for the Northern Lights, Sweden gave us Volvo cars and IKEA stores. What really makes this Scandinavian country stand out is how …

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White Pepper vs Black Pepper: What’s the Difference?

Dried, ground black pepper is one of the most common spices in Western cuisine. But every once in a while, we come across a recipe that specifically calls for white pepper. The central ingredient is used worldwide in many different cuisines but not all peppers …

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10 Fascinating and Unknown Facts About the Egyptian Pyramids

pyramids, Giza, Egypt, travel, life, facts, history

When someone mentions the pyramids, the first thing that comes in mind is the pyramids of Giza. For more than a century, the site of the most well-known Egyptian pyramids have been the subject of continuous investigation. Archeologists and researchers keep uncovering new things never …

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10 Interesting Facts that Sound Made Up But Are Actually True

made up, facts, life, science, space, nature, animals, people, stars, universe,

There are some facts that can sound extremely strange or even made up. Whether it’s something you read on the internet or heard from a friend, these strange facts can surely make you question them. For instance, did you know that the earthworm has five …

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15 Fascinating Facts You’ll Want to Share with Everyone You Know

Earth, facts, science, people, life, everyone

In the era of the internet, we constantly come across interesting facts and trivia about our world. There are however, some random facts that can catch us off guard in the best possible way. For instance, mushrooms are more animals than plants and that New …

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