
5 Ways to Make Your Brain Stop Worrying

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Money, work, relationships, health, pretty much everything causes us to worry more than we need to. It’s not our fault. Our brains are wired to worry all the time. Whenever we are anticipating something, our hearts start thumping louder and butterflies start flying in our …

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Science Confirms: Intelligent People Go To Bed Late, Make Loads Of Mess And Swear All The Time

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Intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills one possesses. Intelligent people are highly adaptable to change, which allows them to to thrive in different settings. They adapt by showing what can be done regardless of the complications or restrictions placed upon them. A recent …

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10 Little-Known Facts About Left-Handed People

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There’s no denying it. Left-handers are always considered to be the odd ones out. While just 1 in 10 humans are lefties (lefties make up about 10% of the population), they strive hard to survive in a world designed for the right handed. They have to …

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10 Crazy Facts About The Universe That Will Blow Your Mind

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We are but a tiny speck in this ever-expanding universe. No one knows exactly how large the universe is. It could be infinite or have an edge. While scientists argue about the shape and size of the universe, they are capable of determining one thing …

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8 Scientific Effects A Broken Heart Has On The Body

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Being heartbroken is something that can happen to anyone. It’s a phase we all go through in life caused by bad relationships. There’s a reason why your body makes you feel queasy after a breakup; draining you mentally and physically. Someone who is heartbroken often feels …

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12 Secret Things You Never Knew About the Secret Service

presidential limo, President, USA, United States, Secret Service, Fact, Facts

The United States Secret Service has stood by the sitting President’s side for more than a century. The Secret Service is unique among federal law enforcement agencies because its agents provide protection for the President and Vice President of the United States and their families, …

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15 Things Americans Do That Confuse the Rest of the World

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Even though drinking soda with a straw and grabbing a coffee-to-go is part of everyday life for us, the rest of the world doesn’t see it like that. In fact, some countries consider things like asking to pass the salt to be strange or even …

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If Someone Flashes Their High-Beams At You, Drive Away Quickly – Police Warn

high beam, people, life, survival, Walmart, Police, authorities, robbery, suspects

Criminals are always in search of new and innovative ways to pull off the perfect heist. Throughout history, we have seen hundreds of thousands of people become victims of robbery, assault and carjacking. Now, they are using high-beams on cars as a way to disarm …

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