
10 Disproven Myths That People Still Believe

disproven, myths, facts, science, fiction

Our brains are wired to acquire information, which allows us to ensure our survival. However, as humans, we have the habit of sticking to things that we strongly believe to be true; even though they were scientifically disproven. For instance, consuming too much sugar makes …

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NASA Discovers Hidden Exoplanet Which Has Striking Similarities to Earth

exoplanet, Kepler 1649c, KST, space telescope, NASA, facts, Earth-like planet, space program

Kepler is the world’s first mission with the ability to find true Earth analogs — planets that orbit stars like our sun in the “habitable zone”. The habitable zone is the region around a star where the temperature is just right for water. The Kepler …

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10 of the Most Beautiful Places In the World

beautiful places, world, entertainment, life, facts, travel

They are breathtaking, they are jaw dropping, they are top of the list of places you must visit at least once in your life. Let the stunning architectural feats, and tropical paradise planet Earth has to offer, allow your mind to drift into the never ending …

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10 Amazing Cat Breeds That Will Make You Fall In Love With Them

cat breeds, animals, life, facts, animals

In the United States, cats are one of the most favored pets. There are an estimated 76.5 million cats or 30.4% of the homes in the US have cats. Whether you favor cats or dogs, having pets can be beneficial for you. The cat breeds …

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10 Facts That Prove Animals Are More Humane Than Humans

elephants, animals, humane, life, facts

Since the beginning of time, mankind has always been curious about animals. Even today, scientists, researchers and inquisitive humans have been trying to understand these creatures and their behavior. The more we study them, the more we realize that in some cases, they are far …

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20 Surprising Facts About India

India, Earth, life, facts, travel, adventure

Rich in history and culture, India is a country that one must visit and experience for themself. With over a billion people from different backgrounds and beliefs, the country is credited for many inventions and achievements. The diverse country has strived to make a mark …

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Why do Clouds Float And Not Fall to Earth Due to Gravity?

clouds, life, Earth, science, people

Why do clouds float? Has that question ever crossed your mind? You go for a walk and you see those big, fluffy clouds hovering right above your head. Even though the average cumulus cloud weighs 1.1 million pounds, they are capable of defying the laws …

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Something From Distant Galaxy Is Sending Signals to Earth in Steady Cycles

galaxy, facts, science, entertainment, space

For decades, mankind has been in search of signs for any alien life, in this vast place we call space. A new study however, sheds light on one such sign, originating from a distant galaxy. According to scientists, the source of the signal is approximately …

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10 Interesting Facts That You Can Use to Start Casual Conversations

conversations, facts, people, life, entertainment

They say you learn something new every day. With the help of the internet, learning something new has never been easier. However, most people use it to watch adorable cat videos. Of course, cute little kitties might not be everyone’s cup of tea but not …

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10 Photos That Reveal What Your Dream Holiday Spots Really Look Like

expectation, travel, spots, destinations, life

Let’s face the cold, hard truth. Most of the time, the world is not as it’s presented to be. While the internet and advertisements portray idealistic pictures of tourists spots around the world, the reality is far from that. A little bit of photoshop here …

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