Tag Archives: Science

August, 2018

  • 16 August

    Science Confirms: Intelligent People Go To Bed Late, Make Loads Of Mess And Swear All The Time

    intelligence, intelligent, fact, facts, people, life, society, bed, books, reading, educational, psychology, study, research

    Intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills one possesses. Intelligent people are highly adaptable to change, which allows them to to thrive in different settings. They adapt by showing what can be done regardless of the complications or restrictions placed upon them. A recent …

  • 8 August

    8 Scientific Effects A Broken Heart Has On The Body

    broken heart, woman, men, women, heart, life, love, fact, facts, psychology, medical, science, entertainment

    Being heartbroken is something that can happen to anyone. It’s a phase we all go through in life caused by bad relationships. There’s a reason why your body makes you feel queasy after a breakup; draining you mentally and physically. Someone who is heartbroken often feels …

September, 2017

  • 21 September

    12 Normal Things That Look Totally Different Under A Microscope

    Magnified, microscope, zoom

    The world as we know it is a big and mysterious place. Everywhere we go, everywhere we look, there’s always something. If we take a closer look at these things, sometimes they could appear to be magical, mesmerizing or just plain freaky. Although, a lot of …

July, 2017

  • 26 July

    10 Extinct Animals Scientists Can Bring Back From The Dead

    extinct, animals, species, science, fact, facts

    Plenty of animals have gone extinct in Earth’s lifetime. Even without the intervention of humans, many plants and animals have been subjected to mass extinction; eliminating their presence from our planet. Whether the reason for their demise was natural or unnatural, we have never been …

January, 2017

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