Tag Archives: Life

December, 2018

  • 12 December

    10 Amazing Facts About Morgan Freeman That are Lesser-Known

    Morgan Freeman, Celeb, facts, life, people

    Morgan Freeman is one of the most versatile and well-respected actors in Hollywood. He’s known for his iconic roles and velvety voice. Apart from his amazing ability to perform and voiceover, he’s a humble human being with a calm demeanor. The celebrated actor is 81 years old …

  • 11 December

    10 Incredible Real-Life Castaway Tales

    castaway, life, people, history, facts

    For years, the entertainment industry has kept us on our toes with movies such as Cast Away. Several such movies have been made throughout the years, depicting fictional accounts of people being stranded in deserted islands for days, months and sometimes years. Imagine being a …

  • 10 December

    10 Crazy Scientific Theories People Used To Believe Were True

    scientific, facts, life, people

    The advances in science and technology did not come easily. Many brave men and women dedicated their lives to come up with theories as to why something works the way it does. Although technology was nowhere near as advanced as today, 100 years ago, many prolific …

  • 8 December

    10 Pieces of Advice That Can Save Your Life in a Critical Situation

    advice, facts, life, people, survival, people, weird, travel

    Humans are the most intelligent species on Earth. Unlike other animals, we are capable of solving problems and finding ways to advance in life. However, we are also prone to error. As technology is rapidly developing, the bad seeds are utilizing every aspect to trap …

  • 7 December

    10 Really Cool Facts That You Probably Never Learned in School

    cool, facts, history, life, people

    For most of us, history was a subject that we never took seriously, since most of the stories were either too long or boring. But, these facts are neither long nor boring. Here, we have collected some cool things that were never taught in school. …

  • 6 December

    Neuroscientists Say Your Forgetfulness Actually Makes You Smarter

    forgetful, facts, life, people

    It’s not unusual for us to forget. Almost all of us have done it or still do it all the time. We have so many things on our minds that we often forget to perform tasks that we had planned to. Most people believe that …

  • 5 December

    10 Everyday Foods and Drinks With Surprising Medical Origins

    Kellogs, food, Coca Cola, medical, facts

    The foods we eat and see everyday at the grocery stores all have a history attached to them. Despite our best efforts to eat healthy and keep a close eye on the ingredients added to each item, there is a large chance that you may …

  • 4 December

    10 Unbelievable Real-Life Giants From History

    giants, facts, history, people, life

    For centuries, mankind has believed that once, giants roamed our planet. There are many stories about these amazing beings who had extraordinary strength and ability. Little did they know, giants exist among us and have existed since the inception of mankind. The only difference between …

  • 3 December

    17 Weird Laws That Still Exist In The United States

    laws, food, facts, life, people

    Since the rise in internet usage, it’s not unusual for us to come across some story that is much more unusual than what we see and hear about everyday. It might be hard to believe those urban legends or rumors, but what happens when it’s …

  • 3 December

    10 Facts About McDonald’s That Will Blow Your Mind

    McCafe, coffee, facts, people

    Since the first McDonald’s store opened on April 15, 1955, in San Bernardino, CA, the fast food restaurant has become one of the biggest chains in the world. It’s no surprise that such a large company with such a long history is popular worldwide. McDonald’s has been …

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