Tag Archives: History

December, 2019

  • 9 December

    12 Little-Known Facts That Will Make You Question Everything

    strawberries, facts, questions, life, fruits

    One of the biggest advantages of the internet is that it makes sharing information a simple task. While not all of the information and factoids shared are accurate, there are some that sound questionable but are indeed true. For instance, did you know that geckos …

  • 3 December

    13 Mind-Blowing Facts That Are Stranger Than Fiction!

    stranger, fiction, facts, science, technology, research, animals

    Every day, there are things happening that most of us won’t ever even hear about. Among those however, are stories and facts so insane, that that they have their own way of making it to our ears. While most of them sound unbelievable, some sound …

August, 2019

July, 2019

  • 30 July

    10 Random Fun Facts to Get Rid of Your Boredom

    fun facts, boredom, science, people

    Learning new things has its advantages. Not only does it keep you updated on current whereabouts, it also makes you the brightest in the group. The key to ensuring your survival is to garner as much knowledge as possible. However, at times, it’s important to …

June, 2019

  • 26 June

    10 Amazing Movie Facts to Make You Smile

    movie, Interstellar, science, technology, Hollywood

    Hollywood has presented us with some of the best movies in the industry. Whether you are a fan of action, sci-fi, thriller or comedy, actors manage to win our hearts through their outstanding performances. This prompts us to learn more about them and how they …

May, 2019

  • 27 May

    10 Celebrities Who Survived Incredibly Tragic Pasts

    survived, facts, life, people, celebrities

    What makes a person more resilient than others is his/her ability to overcome the difficult times and to turn the event into something positive. Those with the ability to recognize that the struggle is a stepping stone towards success are the only ones who are …

  • 14 May

    12 Ridiculous Facts That Actually Turned Out to Be True

    ridiculous, life, facts, people, history

    In our quest to learn new things, we come across facts and stories that sound so ridiculous that they are hard to believe. While they can be difficult for us to absorb, it does not necessarily mean that they are false. In order to feed …

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