Tag Archives: Entertainment

February, 2020

January, 2020

  • 31 January

    18 Unbelievably Hard To Believe Facts

    unbelievable, facts, animals, people, entertainment

    The internet is filled with millions of facts, that are both true and very hard to believe. While they sound unbelievably false or questionable, we took time to find out whether they are indeed what true. Here, we have gathered a list of facts that …

  • 31 January

    9 Reasons Why a Beach Vacation Is Good For You

    beach vacation, facts, travel, blue, colors

    Who doesn’t love spending time at the beach? The fresh air and sound of the waves can be an excellent escape from our busy lives. Spending time outdoors is good for you on both a physical and mental level, however, spending time specifically on the …

  • 31 January

    10 Feel-Good Facts That are Sure to Put a Smile on Your Face

    feel good, facts, animals, cats, life

    Today, most of what we hear on news websites or social media is negativity and bad things happening all around the globe. Of course, there are some things you just can’t prevent and this type of news spreads fast, especially with the ease in sharing …

  • 31 January

    Why Breaking A Mirror Is Bad Luck: 8 Surprising Origins of Superstitions

    superstitions, facts, history, life, people

    While the lifestyle is different among different cultures, one thing every culture has in common are superstitions. For some, it’s Friday the 13th, whereas for others, it’s breaking a mirror. When people can’t find an explanation as to why something happens, they make things up. …

  • 29 January

    10 Odd and Bizarre Historical Events That Sound Unreal

    Abraham Lincoln, facts, unreal, life, people, history

    History is an important part of our lives. It allows us to better understand this world and everything within it. History also has the ability to alter our decisions in the present, by making us wiser. Today however, we are not digging up the past …

  • 28 January

    12 Weird Facts Most People Don’t Know Are 100% True

    weird facts, dolphins, ocean, animals, nature, facts

    Sometimes, there’s no better conversation starter than a totally out-of-this-world bit of information. Such facts are not only good to keep the conversation alive, but can also allow you to share knowledge with those surrounding you. Perhaps it’s a mesmerizing bit of trivia about nature …

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