Tag Archives: Entertainment

April, 2019

  • 25 April

    10 “Common Sense Facts” That Are Actually Wrong

    common sense, science, facts, people, life, technology

    Today, things get repeated so many times that people start believing in them. Like a wise man once said, common sense is neither common, nor sense. With the ease in using technology and the ability to share information at a fast rate, some take advantage …

  • 24 April

    10 Events in History That Sound Fictional But Are Actually Real

    fictional, facts, people, history, life

    As we move through time, we create several historical moments that will be remembered forever. The events are then taught to the younger generation so they are aware of the brilliant minds that worked hard to achieve what was once thought to be impossible. Today …

  • 22 April

    12 Little Etiquette Rules to Follow When You’re Dining at a Restaurant

    etiquette, food, facts, friends, life, people

    When dining out with someone in a professional setting, it is crucial that we follow proper etiquette rules. In fact, dining etiquette is more than just table manners but sadly, the standards have loosened in recent decades. If you’ve ever been nervous about where to …

  • 22 April

    10 Traditions From Different Countries That Surprise the Rest of the World

    traditions, facts, life, people, culture

    Everyone is different and every country is different. We cannot expect the rest of the world to live a life that is similar to ours. When we hear stories of how people do things differently than us, it might be a culture shock but it’s …

  • 16 April

    10 Random Facts That Will Scar You For Life

    scar, people, life, facts, statistics

    Every day, interesting things happen all around the world. With our busy lives, we often miss things that we consider to be interesting. Here, we have collected some random facts that are sure to make you say, “Whaaaaaaaat?!”. While the facts in this list are …

  • 15 April

    12 Incredibly Weird Facts You’ll Want to Tell All Your Friends

    random, facts, people, tell, science, life

    Part of growing up is learning new things and sharing them with people we know. Everyday, knowingly or unknowingly, we come across an array of facts and tidbits that improve our knowledge. If you’re especially looking for some interesting facts to impress all of your …

  • 12 April

    10 Times Thieves Got Themselves Stuck Inside Something

    thieves, facts, people, entertainment, life

    Hollywood often portrays bad guys as masterminds. The daring escapes and fancy contraptions keeps the viewer’s attention, but those things only happen in movies. In real-life however, most thieves are just people who are looking for an easy score. While their plans sound sane in …

  • 10 April

    10 Fun Facts To Impress Your Friends At Any Occasion

    friends, occasion, facts, life, science, entertainment

    There are some facts that sound insane, but are capable of turning a conversation into a worthy one. And, there are some people who are filled with knowledge and can’t help but share it with the rest of the group. Today, you could be that …

  • 7 April

    10 of the World’s Most Dangerous Tourist Destinations

    destinations, facts, people, travel, life

    Most people take vacations to relax and get in touch with their inner self. Then there are a few, whose only goal is to get an adrenaline rush. For those who are more interested in less relaxing and more adventure, there are places around the …

March, 2019

  • 31 March

    10 Bizarre Things You Didn’t Know People Can Get Addicted To

    addicted, people, life, weird, facts, science

    Even though addiction is a lonely disease, addicts are never alone. People with the same addiction may not be geographically together, but they do exist with the same strange specific obsession. Genetics, trauma, family history and social pressure are some identified reasons that addictions and …

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