Tag Archives: Entertainment

May, 2019

  • 9 May

    10 “Game of Thrones” Actors Who Starred in “Harry Potter” But We Never Realized

    actors, entertainment, facts, life, people

    There are a few things that the popular series Game of Thrones and Harry Potter have in common. Both take place in imaginary worlds, have fire breathing dragons in them and everyone is trying to fight evil. There’s also another thing that both the series …

  • 7 May

    10 Strange Facts That Are Actually Worth Sharing With The Whole World

    worth, facts, life, people, weird

    As the world of technology is advancing at a fast pace, we spend more time looking down at our phones than we do at each others’ faces. So, if you’re ever put in a situation where you need to come up with some conversation starting …

  • 6 May

    11 Completely Useless Facts You Need to Know

    useless, facts, people, life, science, history

    There are often so many things happening all around us that our brains tend to only focus on things that are considered important. Whether our brain purposely ignores them or simply fails to recognize them, there are many things that are actually interesting. Here, we …

  • 6 May

    10 Answers to Questions We Have Always Wanted to Know

    answers, facts, history, life, science

    For years, we grew up hearing unanswered questions. Although most people try to come up with the most reasonable explanations for them, we never knew whether it was in fact true or not. For instance, did the chicken come first or did the egg? What …

  • 3 May

    10 Amazing Facts About Bhutan – a Country With Free Healthcare and No Homelessness

    Bhutan, facts, life, people, nature, country

    In an era where most countries are focusing to become the superpower of the world, Bhutan is focusing on its people and their health. Surprisingly, many people don’t know about the country and some don’t even know where it’s located on the world map. The …

  • 3 May

    Top 10 Deepest Places on Earth

    deepest, nature, facts, Earth, life, travel

    As we are becoming more and more technologically advanced, scientists are able to utilize the technology to learn and understand our planet better. It is true that we know more about the solar system than we do about our own planet. With more than 70% …

April, 2019

  • 30 April

    10 Unusual Candies From Around the World

    candies, food, facts, life, people

    The world of candy doesn’t just revolve around chocolate and gummy bears. In the ever-evolving world of candies, there are different flavors and varieties. For most of us, some of these might seem gross or even just plain weird, but not for many others around …

  • 30 April

    10 Devices You Won’t Believe Can Actually Spy On You

    spy, science, technology, life, people

    Today, we live in a world where everything is technologically advanced. Our homes and even our cars are becoming self-sufficient, capable of learning our environment and habits to adjust to our needs. But, did you know that some of the devices we incorporate in our …

  • 29 April

    10 Pieces of News That Prove Humanity Still Exists Among Us

    humanity, life, people, entertainment, facts

    Good things are always happening all around us. Most media agencies however, focus on negative stories since they sell more than the good ones. That does not mean that the world is becoming darker and darker every second. There are plenty of good samaritans on …

  • 25 April

    10 Stories That Sound Completely Insane but Are Actually Real

    sound, facts, life, history, people, entertainment

    Our history is filled with some of the greatest stories ever. Some are so unbelievable that we can turn them into Hollywood movies, yet, people would have a hard time believing them. For instance, during the 1700’s, there was a woman named Mary Toft who …

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