Tag Archives: Earth

February, 2020

December, 2019

  • 10 December

    11 Completely Mind-Blowing Facts About Outer Space

    space, facts, universe, NASA, people, astronauts

    Space has always pushed mankind’s curiosity. When we look up at the stars, we wonder, are we alone in this vast universe? Or is there an end to this vastness? There’s a lot we know about space and then there’s a lot we don’t know. …

October, 2019

  • 30 October

    12 Surprising Facts You Didn’t Know About the World’s Oceans

    oceans, life, earth, planet, travel, adventure, facts

    It’s a well known fact that the majority of our planet’s surface is covered by oceans. Despite this, we have only managed to explore a relatively small percentage of it. In fact, more than 70% of the world’s oceans are yet to be explored. While …

August, 2019

  • 18 August

    8 Mysterious Findings That Have Been Baffling Scientists for Years

    mysterious, facts, science, history, life

    With all of the technological advances, we now know more about space than our very own planet. More than 70% of the ocean is still yet to be explored. As scientists and archaeologists attempt to better understand our planet, they come across mysterious anomalies that …

  • 3 August

    10 True Stories Behind Company Names

    The GAP, clothes, facts, company, life, history

    Every company has its own brand name and logo that makes it stand out from the rest of the world. While most companies stick with names that are closely related to the aim of their business, there are some that are extremely innovative. Behind every …

June, 2019

  • 23 June

    10 Places Where Gravity Seems to Work in Reverse

    gravity, science, entertainment, facts, Earth

    Legend has it that when a young Isaac Newton was sitting under an apple tree, an apple fell on his head. The “aha moment” made him think of the why and how’s, which eventually led him to come up with his law of gravity. Gravity …

  • 21 June

    10 Optical Illusions and Phenomena Only Seen In Nature

    optical, illusions, facts, life, people, travel

    From time and time again, mother nature surprises us with her magnificent beauty. At the same time, she also reminds us of the sheer power that we often forget. While humans are known to create optical illusions, the ones you see here are not manmade …

  • 18 June

    10 of the Last Unexplored Places on Earth

    Earth, planet, unexplored, facts, travel

    Explorers have scaled the world’s tallest mountains to the deepest parts of the oceans. In this era, it’s hard to imagine places that are untouched or unexplored by humans. Surprisingly, there are still corners of our planet that is either hidden from the outside world, …

  • 13 June

    11 Random Facts That Are Thought Provoking

    thought, facts, life, people, science

    The world is such an extraordinary place that even the most ordinary, boring, every day stuff will have an interesting backstory. In fact, some of the things we tend to overlook or consider to be insignificant, contain some of the most interesting facts. As we …

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