Tag Archives: Animals

February, 2020

  • 4 February

    10 Interesting Facts That You Can Use to Start Casual Conversations

    conversations, facts, people, life, entertainment

    They say you learn something new every day. With the help of the internet, learning something new has never been easier. However, most people use it to watch adorable cat videos. Of course, cute little kitties might not be everyone’s cup of tea but not …

  • 1 February

    18 Totally Useless Facts That Are Too Entertaining

    useless, pizza, food, facts, entertainment

    The world is a gigantic book, filled with random, fun, wonderful and entertaining facts. And in some instances, it also includes useless facts that you will absolutely have no reason to know. For instance, which state capital is the only one without a McDonald’s in …

January, 2020

  • 31 January

    10 Feel-Good Facts That are Sure to Put a Smile on Your Face

    feel good, facts, animals, cats, life

    Today, most of what we hear on news websites or social media is negativity and bad things happening all around the globe. Of course, there are some things you just can’t prevent and this type of news spreads fast, especially with the ease in sharing …

  • 6 January

    10 Dog Breeds That Are Most Loyal to Their Owners

    dog breeds, life, facts, animals, nature, people, loyalty

    For thousands of years, dogs and humans have coexisted. According to one study, published in Nature Communications, dogs may have been domesticated as far back as 32,000 years ago. Regardless, for some of us, they have become an integral part of our lives. We consider …

August, 2019

June, 2019

  • 19 June

    10 Smart Features That Only Wild Animals Possess

    animals, facts, science, nature, Earth

    Animals have been roaming this planet, long before we took over. In order to adapt to the constant changes and to ensure their survival, wild animals evolve. While some of the traits they receive as part of the evolutionary process can appear as mistakes, they …

  • 17 June

    10 Adorable Facts About Your Beloved Pet

    animals, pets, life, people, facts, nature

    Our pets are our family. We provide them with food and shelter, and in return, they give us their unconditional love. For a long time, they have been an integral part of our lives and as time goes on, we are learning new things about …

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