
10 Out of the Box Prison Escape Stories—Ever!

Choi Gap-Bok, escape, prison, life, fact, facts

The desire to be free is a natural one and no matter how hard we try to contain it, people will always find a way towards freedom. In fact, this desire is commonly shared by all living things on Earth. When someone is deemed unfit …

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10 Lawsuits Against Big Food Corporations That Make No Sense

food, lawsuits, facts, people, life

In this digitally enhanced world, news spreads fast. The chances of us stumbling across a story that sounds completely ridiculous is higher than ever before. That’s why we have compiled a list of such stories, where people decided to go after food chains for not …

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10 Facts About Animals That Will Make You Go Awww

animals, fact, facts, life

All living beings on this planet are unique and amazing. Animals, however, with their fluffy fur and their cute mannerisms, manage to make us fall for them. It’s hard to say what we like most about animals but whether it’s their innocence or emotional connection, …

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8 Things Babies Enjoy The Most When They’re in the Womb

babies, baby, life, women, pregnant, pregnancy, fact, facts

Being a parent is an amazing experience. To be able to bring a living being into this planet is a life changing journey. The nine month experience is filled with happiness, planning, and lots of changes. Did you know that there are certain things babies …

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10 Weird Facts About Cats That You Never Knew

Cats and humans have been living in symphony for more than 10,000 years. If you take a look at history, the ancient Egyptians held cats in the highest esteem. They worshipped a Cat Goddess, often represented as half feline, half woman, and punished anyone who …

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7 Things Flight Attendants Notice About You When You Board a Plane

flight attendant, flying, plane, airplane, fact, facts, mind blowing facts,

Flight attendants might look happy and calm but don’t be fooled by their friendliness. They are not only trained to provide good customer service but also to keep a close eye out for any threats. From the moment you board a plane, you are under …

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Are You A Nice Person? 6 Everyday Problems Nice People Experience

woman, happiness, happy, life, people, nice, inspiration, psychology

We cross paths with different types of people every day. Whether it be workmates, family or friends, everyone has their own unique personality. While some might be kind to you, others might be sticking around for their own advantage. Nevertheless, nice people always put a …

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How Tall People From Different Countries Are

women, men, USA, US, United States, Britain, Europe, People, life, Inspired, fact, facts, tall, height, love

Has the question “which nationalities are the tallest?” ever crossed your mind? Well, if not, then we are going to put that thought inside your head today. Thanks to the most comprehensive study on human height around the world that was published by the scientific …

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