
10 Examples of Fighting for Animal Rights That Make Our World a Little More Humane

dogs, animals, cats, nature, rights, love

Animals have been roaming this planet, long before mankind took over and showed authoritarian power. And for centuries, we have co-existed together, helping each other survive on this planet. However, the innocent living beings lack the ability to voice their concerns, so it is our …

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10 People who got in Trouble for Misusing Emojis

emojis, people, life, stories, facts

Since their inception in 1999, emojis have become a regular part of our lives. We use them almost every day to express our emotions to our friends and family members. It’s become part of the norm to send text messages with just emojis and no …

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10 Cool Facts About All Different Kinds of Topics

cool facts, life, nature, amazing, animals, history

Learning new things is always fun. You get to know about all kinds of strange and interesting things going on that we just don’t usually hear about. Of course, we can all agree that the world is a strange place and that things don’t often …

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This Army Vet and Wife Are Considering Getting Divorced in Order to Afford Their Daughter’s Healthcare Costs

couple, love, married, healthcare, life

It’s a known fact that healthcare is outrageous. Today, the average American struggles to keep up with hospital bills. A century ago, in 1908, health care was virtually unregulated and health insurance, nonexistent. Physicians practiced medicine and treated patients in the comfort of their homes. Now, …

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This Timelapse of A Single Cell Becoming An Organism Is Extremely Captivating

organism, nature, Earth, science, photography, facts

The universe is shrouded with mysteries. As technology advances every day, we are able to see and understand things that were previously unknown. Today, manmade robots, satellites and probes are traveling millions of light years away and sending information so that we have a better …

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11 Uplifting Facts to Brighten Up Your Day

uplifting, animals, facts, life, nature, science

Bad news spreads fast through the internet. The media tends to focus on negativity, since it attracts viewers and they can profit from it. With all the bad things that are happening around us, some of the best things on our planet go easily unnoticed. …

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10 Facts That Prove our Bodies are Capable of Incredible Things

bodies, facts, health, life, science

The human body is an amazing piece of machinery. Full of surprises and incredible processes that make up each person, our bodies are capable of things that were once thought to be impossible. For instance, did you know that our bodies have the ability to …

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