Tag Archives: Weird

March, 2019

  • 31 March

    10 Bizarre Things You Didn’t Know People Can Get Addicted To

    addicted, people, life, weird, facts, science

    Even though addiction is a lonely disease, addicts are never alone. People with the same addiction may not be geographically together, but they do exist with the same strange specific obsession. Genetics, trauma, family history and social pressure are some identified reasons that addictions and …

  • 17 March

    10 Things that Are Guaranteed to Put a Smile on Your Face If You’re Feeling Down

    smile, facts, people, life, planet, Earth

    Bad news travels fast throughout the internet, so when we see negative posts on our news feed, it might not come as a surprise. Besides, sad stories sell more, which is why most people tend to focus on publishing such stories. While it is important …

  • 5 March

    10 Statistics That Sound Exaggerated but are 100% True

    people, science, facts, true, life, history

    We hear about statistics all our lives. Schools, politicians and even scientists use it to represent their findings. They are everywhere around us and in some cases, they can be wrong, since most of us take the information out of context. The tool is used …

  • 4 March

    12 Ingenious Japanese Inventions That Are Ready to Change Our Lives

    Japanese, culture, life, people, facts, travel, inventions

    The Japanese are known for their brilliant inventions and incorporating cutting-edge technology into their lives. Known as “The Land of the Rising Sun”, Japan is a place where technological development never sleeps. The Japanese are constantly developing new technologies that make their lives a bit …

February, 2019

  • 12 February

    12 Intense Historical Photos That Bring the Past to Life

    historical, facts, life, past, stories

    Photographs can be crucial to historians who have the painful job of learning and understanding occurrences in the past. At the same time, they can be helpful to us since we are able to witness a moment from the past and learn a thing or …

  • 10 February

    Spite Houses: 12 Obnoxious Houses that Were Built Just to Annoy the Neighbors

    spite, house, facts, history, people, weird

    Human emotion is a crazy thing, especially when it’s bottled up for a long time. In such cases, it can act as a driving factor that causes people to do irrational, silly and sometimes, spiteful things. Throughout history, we have seen people come up with innovative …

  • 9 February

    10 Random Facts About All Kinds of Interesting Topics

    random, facts, topics, science, entertainment

    Since childhood, we have been gaining knowledge on interesting topics from programs such as National Geographic and Animal Planet. The things we learn stick with us forever. Our curiosity to learn and understand things is a natural instinct to protect ourselves. And sharing this unsolicited …

  • 7 February

    11 Mysterious Islands With Long Lost Secrets

    Mauritius, life, islands, facts, science

    Most of our planet’s islands are explored and inhabited. There, however, exists islands that are off the maps or were subjects of secret government experiments; that were later abandoned. For centuries, mankind has been exploring and finding surprising things about the very planet we call …

  • 6 February

    10 Random Facts that Can Serve as Perfect Icebreakers

    random, facts, people, life, science

    In this digital era, most of us spend more time looking at our phones than we do at each other. May it be Thanksgiving, Christmas or any special family occasion, sometimes we have trouble coming up with topics to keep the conversations alive. And, there’s …

  • 4 February

    10 Popular Things From the 80s and 90s That are Almost Extinct Today

    popular, history, life, facts, people, nostalgia

    Those born in the 80’s and 90’s have witnessed a lot of changes over the years. As we took a leap over from one generation to another, we had to leave so many precious things behind. Things which may not be known by some. The …

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