Tag Archives: Science

March, 2019

  • 6 March

    10 Bizarre Brain Disorders Often Mistaken For Psychiatric Conditions

    conditions, health, science, facts, life, people

    Imagine being able to feel what another person is feeling – their sorrow and their pain. Or be convinced that whatever negative change is happening with your friend’s life is actually yours. There are certain brain disorders that cause people to undergo such situations and …

  • 4 March

    12 Ingenious Japanese Inventions That Are Ready to Change Our Lives

    Japanese, culture, life, people, facts, travel, inventions

    The Japanese are known for their brilliant inventions and incorporating cutting-edge technology into their lives. Known as “The Land of the Rising Sun”, Japan is a place where technological development never sleeps. The Japanese are constantly developing new technologies that make their lives a bit …

  • 3 March

    10 Most Heroic Airline Pilots who Accomplished Incredible Feats

    pilots, flying, aircraft, life, science, aviation

    Pilots have one of the toughest jobs in the world. They are given the duty of transporting people safely from one point to another. While the world of aviation is more than a century old, unexpected things can always happen. Pilots are trained to take …

  • 1 March

    10 Beautiful And Bizarre Natural Wonders

    natural, earth, life, planet, science, facts

    Spanning across seven continents, our planet is teeming with natural occurrences and wonders. For decades, we have been observing but not knowing why and how such natural phenomenon’s take place. The oddities were observed not with just lakes, oceans and volcanoes, but also animals. Leaving …

February, 2019

  • 26 February

    10 Amazing and Strange Backyard Discoveries

    backyard, treasures, life, people, stories, facts

    Of course all of us dream of living the big life. To achieve that dream, we work hard, try to make smart investments and some play the lottery, hoping that their life might change overnight. While some of us try and try and try, there …

  • 21 February

    10 Cool Facts About All Different Kinds of Topics

    cool facts, life, nature, amazing, animals, history

    Learning new things is always fun. You get to know about all kinds of strange and interesting things going on that we just don’t usually hear about. Of course, we can all agree that the world is a strange place and that things don’t often …

  • 20 February

    This Timelapse of A Single Cell Becoming An Organism Is Extremely Captivating

    organism, nature, Earth, science, photography, facts

    The universe is shrouded with mysteries. As technology advances every day, we are able to see and understand things that were previously unknown. Today, manmade robots, satellites and probes are traveling millions of light years away and sending information so that we have a better …

  • 19 February

    11 Uplifting Facts to Brighten Up Your Day

    uplifting, animals, facts, life, nature, science

    Bad news spreads fast through the internet. The media tends to focus on negativity, since it attracts viewers and they can profit from it. With all the bad things that are happening around us, some of the best things on our planet go easily unnoticed. …

  • 19 February

    10 Facts That Prove our Bodies are Capable of Incredible Things

    bodies, facts, health, life, science

    The human body is an amazing piece of machinery. Full of surprises and incredible processes that make up each person, our bodies are capable of things that were once thought to be impossible. For instance, did you know that our bodies have the ability to …

  • 17 February

    Scientists Discover Worms That Can Eat Plastic and Save our Planet

    worms, nature, science, facts, life, animals

    For centuries, we have been trying to find a solution to the ever growing problem of plastic pollution. It is estimated that more than 100 billion plastic bags are used in the U.S. every year. And in order to create such large quantities of plastic, more …

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