Tag Archives: Science

March, 2019

  • 25 March

    15 Interesting Things You Are Too Lazy to Google

    interesting, facts, life, people, weird

    Interesting things are happening all around us. When we come across something that we are not familiar with, it’s not unusual for our minds to go, “Hey, let’s Google it!”, just to make sure that the story checks out. “Google it!” is a phrase commonly …

  • 20 March

    New Study Says Firstborn Children are Smarter Than Their Siblings

    siblings, smarter, life, people, relationship, family

    Are you the oldest one in the family? Ever felt like you were wiser than your siblings and more rebellious? Well, there’s a scientific reason for that. According to a new study conducted by the University of Edinburgh, first borns have mental edge over their …

  • 19 March

    10 Everyday Words With Unexpected Origins

    words, history, life, people, facts, ancient

    With 171,476 words, the English language is surely a difficult one. While most of us use it everyday to communicate with each other, there are instances where a specific word gets stuck in our head. Then, we begin to wonder how or where on Earth …

  • 18 March

    10 Eye-Opening Facts About Prominent Historical Figures

    prominent, people, facts, life, history

    During our school years, history classes only taught us important dates, discoveries and events that took place throughout history. Most of the fun and interesting topics were usually omitted. This also means that we know very little about prominent figures in the past. In order …

  • 17 March

    10 Genius Ways To Enjoy Coffee Besides Drinking It

    coffee, drinking, life, facts, people, foods

    Who doesn’t crave a cup of coffee in the morning? A steaming cup of freshly brewed coffee is certainly the best way to start a day. The delicious taste, the comfort and coziness it provides, the rich aroma, as well as the energy it gives …

  • 16 March

    10 Sinister Tricks Casinos Use On You

    casinos, life, people, facts, Las Vegas

    No matter how great your understanding of the odds, at the end of the day the house always wins. There’s so much more going on in the average casino than meets the eye. Most of us only see the flickering lights and the sound of …

  • 13 March

    NASA’s Before-and-After Images Show How We’re Transforming the Planet

    Aral sea, China, transforming, NASA, science, facts

    Since our introduction to this planet, we have been replacing nature and other species to become dominant. At the same time, knowingly or unknowingly, we have been transforming this planet into something different. For centuries, we have been clearing forests, rivers and moving animal species …

  • 11 March

    10 Weird Things That Have “Rained” From the Sky

    rained, animals, facts, spiders, life

    The only thing we expect to fall from the sky is rain, snow, sleet and sometimes hail. These are the common things that fall from the sky, and things that we are familiar with. However, have you ever heard of fish or frogs raining from …

  • 7 March

    British Man Becomes Second Person Ever To Be Successfully Cleared Of HIV

    HIV, virus, health, life, medical, facts

    Scientists first discovered the HIV virus that causes AIDS in 1983. At first, it was named HTLV-III/LAV (human T-cell lymphotropic virus-type III/lymphadenopathy-associated virus) by an international scientific committee but was later changed to HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). The virus attacks our immune system, which is …

  • 6 March

    New Study Shows That the More You Hang Out With Your Mom, the Longer She’ll Live

    mom, mother, life, relationship, people

    Growing up is a natural part of our life and something that we have no control of. As we grow older, we are bombarded with more responsibilities. Once we start our own family, then that’s all we can ever think of. Of course our parents …

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