Tag Archives: Science

April, 2019

  • 24 April

    10 Events in History That Sound Fictional But Are Actually Real

    fictional, facts, people, history, life

    As we move through time, we create several historical moments that will be remembered forever. The events are then taught to the younger generation so they are aware of the brilliant minds that worked hard to achieve what was once thought to be impossible. Today …

  • 23 April

    Scientists Suggest Moms Take Breaks From Their Kids at Least Once a Year and Go On Mom-Cations

    moms, facts, science, relationships, life

    Being a parent is not an easy task. Especially when you’re raising a little one while holding down a full time job. It is much more difficult than most people might imagine. Toddlers require constant attention, which can be exhausting. In fact, a study published …

  • 20 April

    10 Natural Catastrophes That Could Happen In The Near Future

    catastrophes, facts, science, nature, Earth

    Every year, our planet is subjected to earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tornadoes, hurricanes and other natural catastrophes such as tsunamis. These naturally occurring phenomenons impact our lives in more than one way since we have no way of stopping them. Even scarier is the fact that …

  • 18 April

    12 Unbelievable But True Geographical Facts

    unbelievable, facts, science, nature, Earth

    Our planet is full of surprises. Just when we think that we know everything about our beautiful planet, we hear something else that would make us say “wow”. As technological advances are being made every day, scientists are able to use them to uncover more …

  • 16 April

    10 Random Facts That Will Scar You For Life

    scar, people, life, facts, statistics

    Every day, interesting things happen all around the world. With our busy lives, we often miss things that we consider to be interesting. Here, we have collected some random facts that are sure to make you say, “Whaaaaaaaat?!”. While the facts in this list are …

  • 16 April

    10 Fascinating Facts You May Not Know About Pregnancy

    pregnancy, facts, life, people, health

    Pregnancy is truly one of the most fascinating things. It literally changes the human body in order to bring another life into this planet. Throughout the nine months, a woman’s body adjusts to the requirements and needs of the baby that is forming within. While …

  • 15 April

    10 Things You Didn’t Know About Psychopaths

    psychopaths, life, people, facts, science, health

    Believe it or not, roughly one in every 200 of us is a psychopath. Today, our planet has more that 30 million psychopaths roaming around. While most psychopaths can be dangerous, not all of them are. Contrary to popular belief, even though there are signs …

  • 15 April

    12 Incredibly Weird Facts You’ll Want to Tell All Your Friends

    random, facts, people, tell, science, life

    Part of growing up is learning new things and sharing them with people we know. Everyday, knowingly or unknowingly, we come across an array of facts and tidbits that improve our knowledge. If you’re especially looking for some interesting facts to impress all of your …

  • 14 April

    10 Amazing Things That Happen to Your Body When You Stop Eating Sugar

    sugar, health, life, people, facts

    We all know that too much sugar isn’t good for us. Even the government advices the public to use sugar in moderation. In order to discourage people from consuming high amounts of sugar, countries around the world are introducing “sugar tax” to soft drink manufacturers. …

  • 10 April

    10 Fun Facts To Impress Your Friends At Any Occasion

    friends, occasion, facts, life, science, entertainment

    There are some facts that sound insane, but are capable of turning a conversation into a worthy one. And, there are some people who are filled with knowledge and can’t help but share it with the rest of the group. Today, you could be that …

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