Tag Archives: myths

July, 2022

  • 11 July

    12 Facts You Always Believed That Actually Aren’t True

    believed, facts, science, travel, people, health, food, bacteria,

    Many of the assumptions you make about life, and everything included in it, are based on tall tales and hearsay. As time goes on, myths and tales become reality for some and they basically believe it to be true; even though it’s scientifically disproven. Today, …

July, 2019

  • 11 July

    10 of the Most Popular Myths Debunked

    myths, debunked, life, facts, science, people

    It has happened to all of us. We share an amazing fact on social media, only to feel embarrassed later on, when you find out that it was indeed wrong. This happens because some websites and people consider urban legends to be real and pass …

February, 2019

  • 15 February

    10 Medical Myths You Need to Stop Believing

    medical myths, facts, science, life, health

    When we were young, we heard plenty of old wives tales and stories that we have latched on to. Some things we believe to be true because we have been told they’re true for far too long. It’s hard to imagine otherwise and such situations …

November, 2018

  • 24 November

    10 Popular Myths on the Internet That Should be put to an End

    myths, facts, world, life, people

    Since its inception in 1991, the World Wide Web has been used by millions around the globe. The creation of social media platforms has also helped people share stories as well as connect with friends and family, far and wide. But, the ease in sharing …

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