Tag Archives: Life

November, 2018

  • 23 November

    10 Dog Breeds That Have Changed Over Time

    breeds, dogs, facts, life, nature

    Dogs may be our best friends but they haven’t always looked the same as they do today. For centuries, we have co-existed with them and helped each other survive. Many of the popular dog breeds today developed a special look based somewhat on their function. Back …

  • 21 November

    10 Astounding Facts About the First Moon Landing

    moon, Apollo 11, facts, science

    On July 20, 1969, mankind made history when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. The feat was a huge achievement and since then, only 11 others have had the honor to walk on the lunar surface. Interestingly, none of the 12 people who have had the …

  • 20 November

    10 Ancient Inventions That Were Way Ahead of Their Time

    ancient, facts, history, life, people

    Our ancestors had no smartphones or GPS to guide them through their journeys. Without the help of modern contraptions, they still managed to get around and survive. While they were limited in many ways, there were many prolific men and women who thought outside of …

  • 19 November

    12 (More) Hidden Messages in Company Logos

    Goodwill, facts, logos, life, people

    Logos are an important asset in business. They are not just pictures of texts but rather are mascots of a business or company. There are millions of companies with their branded logos but only a handful of them remains in our memories. This is because …

  • 18 November

    10 Fascinating Icelandic Facts That’ll Make You Want to Live There

    Iceland, facts, life, Island

    The land of fire and ice is known for its extraordinary beauty and wonderful people. It’s an incredible country with features that are hard to find anywhere else in the world. Almost everyone has the destination on their bucket list to visit and experience the …

  • 18 November

    16 Albino Animals That Look Like They’re From Another Planet

    albino, animals, planet, facts

    Animals have long existed in our planet. They have roamed the forests and have more knowledge of this universe than most of us. Some of them are even capable of detecting the Earth’s magnetism and migrating from one place to another. While they hold a …

  • 17 November

    12 Freezing Facts About Antarctica

    Antarctica, people, science, facts

    More than a century ago, no one knew that there was such a place called Antarctica. The fifth largest continent in the world covers more than 5.4 million square miles. Situated within the Antarctic Circle, temperatures are consistently below zero almost all year round. The conditions make it …

  • 16 November

    12 Photos That Show How Foods Are Grown In Real-Life

    cashews, food, nature, grown

    Since the inception of technology and the internet, our way of life has been changing rapidly. It’s the era of shopping through the internet and curbside pickups. Some of us rarely have time to even go to the grocery store anymore. But before all of …

  • 15 November

    7 Places That are Home to Giant Spiders

    spider, spiders, animals, facts

    It’s not uncommon to have a fear of spiders. If you are someone who is afraid of spiders, you are not alone. Almost 6% of the human population suffers from arachnophobia; which is the fear of spiders. The eight legged critters can be scary at …

  • 15 November

    10 Amazing Facts About Man’s Best Friend

    dog, sleeping, facts, life

    Animals have a positive impact on our life as well as our health. They can be uplifting at times and have been doing so for centuries. Even scientists agree on this and according to them, having a dog can increase a person’s lifespan up to …

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