Tag Archives: Life

February, 2019

  • 20 February

    This Timelapse of A Single Cell Becoming An Organism Is Extremely Captivating

    organism, nature, Earth, science, photography, facts

    The universe is shrouded with mysteries. As technology advances every day, we are able to see and understand things that were previously unknown. Today, manmade robots, satellites and probes are traveling millions of light years away and sending information so that we have a better …

  • 19 February

    10 Facts That Prove our Bodies are Capable of Incredible Things

    bodies, facts, health, life, science

    The human body is an amazing piece of machinery. Full of surprises and incredible processes that make up each person, our bodies are capable of things that were once thought to be impossible. For instance, did you know that our bodies have the ability to …

  • 18 February

    10 of the Strongest Military Forces in the World

    USA, India, military, strength, facts, science, technology

    A country’s strength is often determined by its manpower and the ability to defend itself from rivals. Every nation has its special strength in their defense arsenal. Factors such as advanced technologies, training, power, number of allies, size of the army and budget allocated, geography, logistical capacity, …

  • 17 February

    Scientists Discover Worms That Can Eat Plastic and Save our Planet

    worms, nature, science, facts, life, animals

    For centuries, we have been trying to find a solution to the ever growing problem of plastic pollution. It is estimated that more than 100 billion plastic bags are used in the U.S. every year. And in order to create such large quantities of plastic, more …

  • 17 February

    Here’s How Sleeping With Your Door Closed Could Save Your Life, According to Fire Safety Experts

    fire, safety, science, life, facts, people

    House fires are more common than we imagine them to be. The U.S. fire departments respond to an estimated average of 355,400 home structure fires every year; resulting in almost $8 billion in damages annually. According to Fire Safety Experts, it takes less than 30 seconds …

  • 15 February

    10 Medical Myths You Need to Stop Believing

    medical myths, facts, science, life, health

    When we were young, we heard plenty of old wives tales and stories that we have latched on to. Some things we believe to be true because we have been told they’re true for far too long. It’s hard to imagine otherwise and such situations …

  • 15 February

    10 Evolutionary Leftovers In the Human Body that No Longer Serve A Purpose

    evolution, body, health, science, humans, facts

    Since the first human being started roaming this planet, mankind has come a long way. We have achieved things beyond our ancestors’ imaginations and have made progress in the field of science and medicine. But along the way, some of the traits our ancestors had …

  • 13 February

    10 Jobs That Are So Tough, They Make Office Life Seem Like Heaven

    jobs, facts, people, life, planet

    Sitting in our offices, waiting for time to pass by can seem like an eternity. It’s not only boring, but also exhausting to sit in one place all day and stare at a computer. However, after reading about these 10 tough jobs, you would appreciate …

  • 12 February

    12 Intense Historical Photos That Bring the Past to Life

    historical, facts, life, past, stories

    Photographs can be crucial to historians who have the painful job of learning and understanding occurrences in the past. At the same time, they can be helpful to us since we are able to witness a moment from the past and learn a thing or …

  • 12 February

    10 Scientists Who Experimented on Themselves

    scientists, history, facts, life, people, science

    For centuries, curious men and women have subjected themselves to their own experiments, all in the name of science. When others failed to believe in them, these scientists decided to put their lives on the line and become guinea pigs, so that they could prove …

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