Tag Archives: Life

March, 2019

  • 19 March

    10 Everyday Words With Unexpected Origins

    words, history, life, people, facts, ancient

    With 171,476 words, the English language is surely a difficult one. While most of us use it everyday to communicate with each other, there are instances where a specific word gets stuck in our head. Then, we begin to wonder how or where on Earth …

  • 18 March

    10 Eye-Opening Facts About Prominent Historical Figures

    prominent, people, facts, life, history

    During our school years, history classes only taught us important dates, discoveries and events that took place throughout history. Most of the fun and interesting topics were usually omitted. This also means that we know very little about prominent figures in the past. In order …

  • 17 March

    10 Genius Ways To Enjoy Coffee Besides Drinking It

    coffee, drinking, life, facts, people, foods

    Who doesn’t crave a cup of coffee in the morning? A steaming cup of freshly brewed coffee is certainly the best way to start a day. The delicious taste, the comfort and coziness it provides, the rich aroma, as well as the energy it gives …

  • 17 March

    10 Things that Are Guaranteed to Put a Smile on Your Face If You’re Feeling Down

    smile, facts, people, life, planet, Earth

    Bad news travels fast throughout the internet, so when we see negative posts on our news feed, it might not come as a surprise. Besides, sad stories sell more, which is why most people tend to focus on publishing such stories. While it is important …

  • 16 March

    10 True Stories of Exes That Will Make Yours Sound Sane

    exes, relationships, facts, life, people

    Relationships can be complex, and when we think we know everything about our desired partner, they can end up surprising us. Of course, we have all had our fair share of crazy ex stories; who took things to a whole new level. While most of …

  • 11 March

    10 Weird Things That Have “Rained” From the Sky

    rained, animals, facts, spiders, life

    The only thing we expect to fall from the sky is rain, snow, sleet and sometimes hail. These are the common things that fall from the sky, and things that we are familiar with. However, have you ever heard of fish or frogs raining from …

  • 11 March

    10 Times People Found ‘Junk’ and Did Not Realize it was Worth A Fortune

    junk, life, people, history, discovery, facts

    Everyone dreams of becoming rich, or at least living without debt. And every day, we hear rags-to-riches stories where people go to take their dogs for a walk or were playing around with a metal detector when they came across something that was worth millions. …

  • 10 March

    10 Wild Facts About ‘The Crocodile Hunter’ Steve Irwin

    Steve, Irwin, Crocodile, facts, Australia, people

    The crocodile hunter gained his popularity as a celebrity wildlife expert. He was an enthusiast in reaching his work through international television to the animal lovers and reptile paramours. His way of interaction, adventure and risking instincts brought exciting episodes of an exhilarating series. His …

  • 8 March

    10 Con Artists Who Sold Things They Didn’t Even Own

    con, facts, artists, history, life, people

    With the help of the internet, con artists have mastered the art of fooling others and making easy money with just a few clicks. Long before the internet, there were people who were masters of disguise. These brave men and women pretended to be someone …

  • 7 March

    British Man Becomes Second Person Ever To Be Successfully Cleared Of HIV

    HIV, virus, health, life, medical, facts

    Scientists first discovered the HIV virus that causes AIDS in 1983. At first, it was named HTLV-III/LAV (human T-cell lymphotropic virus-type III/lymphadenopathy-associated virus) by an international scientific committee but was later changed to HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). The virus attacks our immune system, which is …

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