Tag Archives: Life

April, 2019

  • 25 April

    10 Stories That Sound Completely Insane but Are Actually Real

    sound, facts, life, history, people, entertainment

    Our history is filled with some of the greatest stories ever. Some are so unbelievable that we can turn them into Hollywood movies, yet, people would have a hard time believing them. For instance, during the 1700’s, there was a woman named Mary Toft who …

  • 25 April

    10 “Common Sense Facts” That Are Actually Wrong

    common sense, science, facts, people, life, technology

    Today, things get repeated so many times that people start believing in them. Like a wise man once said, common sense is neither common, nor sense. With the ease in using technology and the ability to share information at a fast rate, some take advantage …

  • 24 April

    8 Reasons Why Frequent Cleaning Can Be Bad for You

    cleaning, facts, life, people, medical

    For millions around the world, cleaning is a form of escape from anxiety. The need to have things organized and spotless is a trait shared by every 1 in 40 adults around the world. However, recent studies show that constant exposure to cleaning materials is …

  • 24 April

    10 Events in History That Sound Fictional But Are Actually Real

    fictional, facts, people, history, life

    As we move through time, we create several historical moments that will be remembered forever. The events are then taught to the younger generation so they are aware of the brilliant minds that worked hard to achieve what was once thought to be impossible. Today …

  • 23 April

    Scientists Suggest Moms Take Breaks From Their Kids at Least Once a Year and Go On Mom-Cations

    moms, facts, science, relationships, life

    Being a parent is not an easy task. Especially when you’re raising a little one while holding down a full time job. It is much more difficult than most people might imagine. Toddlers require constant attention, which can be exhausting. In fact, a study published …

  • 22 April

    12 Little Etiquette Rules to Follow When You’re Dining at a Restaurant

    etiquette, food, facts, friends, life, people

    When dining out with someone in a professional setting, it is crucial that we follow proper etiquette rules. In fact, dining etiquette is more than just table manners but sadly, the standards have loosened in recent decades. If you’ve ever been nervous about where to …

  • 22 April

    10 Traditions From Different Countries That Surprise the Rest of the World

    traditions, facts, life, people, culture

    Everyone is different and every country is different. We cannot expect the rest of the world to live a life that is similar to ours. When we hear stories of how people do things differently than us, it might be a culture shock but it’s …

  • 21 April

    10 Photos That Make Us Believe in Time Travel

    time travel, people, celebrities, facts, life

    Time travel – moving between different points in time – has been an interesting topic for decades. Whether it’s scientifically possible or not, the ability to travel through time to stop certain events from happening or altering our future does seem pretty impressive. Hollywood movies …

  • 20 April

    10 Natural Catastrophes That Could Happen In The Near Future

    catastrophes, facts, science, nature, Earth

    Every year, our planet is subjected to earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tornadoes, hurricanes and other natural catastrophes such as tsunamis. These naturally occurring phenomenons impact our lives in more than one way since we have no way of stopping them. Even scarier is the fact that …

  • 19 April

    An Extremely Rare “Blonde” Zebra Has Been Photographed in the African Wild

    zebra, facts, animals, nature, life

    Planet Earth is home to approximately 8.7 million species – with 6.5 million species on land and 2.2 million in the oceans. Scientists from the Census of Marine Life came to this conclusion using a new and advanced analytical technique. However, when we consider the …

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