Tag Archives: Life

January, 2020

  • 20 January

    According To Scientists, Left-Handed People Are Truly Exceptional

    Keanu Reeves, celebrities, facts, left-handed, science

    Being a leftie can be extremely difficult for some since the world is literally built for right-handed people. Throughout history, people have viewed left-handedness as a sign of weakness that one had to overcome to be successful in life. Studies however, show otherwise. In fact, …

  • 18 January

    10 Not-So-Pleasant Facts About the World

    Pleasant, facts, people, life, coffee

    In a world where technology and social media is booming at a fast rate, it’s easy to spread information. However, the majority of facts circulating the internet are either myths or baseless, created for the sole purpose of entertainment. This list however, brings facts that …

  • 14 January

    10 Photos That Reveal What Your Dream Holiday Spots Really Look Like

    expectation, travel, spots, destinations, life

    Let’s face the cold, hard truth. Most of the time, the world is not as it’s presented to be. While the internet and advertisements portray idealistic pictures of tourists spots around the world, the reality is far from that. A little bit of photoshop here …

  • 13 January

    14 Bizarre and Completely Random Facts to Make Your Day A Little Weirder

    weirder, facts, life, people, science

    Who doesn’t like bizarre, fun and random facts? They not only make you smarter, but in some cases, provide you with the necessary entertainment to brighten up your day. Meanwhile, there are some facts that make you question your whole existence, or make your day …

  • 9 January

    10 Interesting Things That Will Likely Happen Before 2050

    interesting things, facts, NASA, space, exploration

    The future is bright and filled with possibilities. Today, we are more scientifically advanced than ever before, with breakthroughs made in the field of science and medicine. We know that by the mid-century, self-driving cars will be a common commodity and intelligent machines will be …

  • 8 January

    10 Facts About Finland, the Country With the Happiest Population in the World

    Finland, facts, county, life, people

    The United Nations released the World Happiness Report for 2019 and Finland ranked first, as the happiest country in the world. The ranking was based on six key variables that support well-being: income, freedom, trust, healthy life expectancy, social support and generosity. Apart from possessing …

  • 6 January

    Here’s What Happens To You When You Overthink

    overthink, facts, people, life, emotions

    Overthinking can be debilitating and without doubt, it is a common issue among us. Whether it’s a mistake you made yesterday, weeks, months or years ago, some of us have the habit of holding on to them and overthink. By fretting about how they’re going …

  • 6 January

    13 Surprising Facts That Are Actually True

    surprising facts, true, life, science, travel, people

    Whether you read books, watch educational shows or browse through the internet, it’s always fun to find weird curiosities and facts about the world we live in. In fact, there are many surprising facts that make us doubt whether they are indeed real. Take, for …

  • 6 January

    10 Dog Breeds That Are Most Loyal to Their Owners

    dog breeds, life, facts, animals, nature, people, loyalty

    For thousands of years, dogs and humans have coexisted. According to one study, published in Nature Communications, dogs may have been domesticated as far back as 32,000 years ago. Regardless, for some of us, they have become an integral part of our lives. We consider …

  • 3 January

    10 Crazy Useful Facts You’ve Never Heard Before

    cheese, facts, science, food, life

    The human brain is capable of storing more information than we can ever learn in a lifetime. According to Scientific American, our brains have the capacity to store numerous memories per neuron. Since the average human brain has roughly 100 billion neurons, this means that …

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