Tag Archives: health

March, 2019

  • 7 March

    British Man Becomes Second Person Ever To Be Successfully Cleared Of HIV

    HIV, virus, health, life, medical, facts

    Scientists first discovered the HIV virus that causes AIDS in 1983. At first, it was named HTLV-III/LAV (human T-cell lymphotropic virus-type III/lymphadenopathy-associated virus) by an international scientific committee but was later changed to HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). The virus attacks our immune system, which is …

  • 6 March

    10 Bizarre Brain Disorders Often Mistaken For Psychiatric Conditions

    conditions, health, science, facts, life, people

    Imagine being able to feel what another person is feeling – their sorrow and their pain. Or be convinced that whatever negative change is happening with your friend’s life is actually yours. There are certain brain disorders that cause people to undergo such situations and …

February, 2019

January, 2019

  • 26 January

    7 Dreaded Tasks That are Actually Great for Managing Stress

    laundry, people, stress, life, facts, science

    For most of us, stress is a normal part of our lives that comes with everyday occurrences. Almost 70 years ago, no such thing as “stress” existed, since there was no term used to define it. Although there were millions who coped with it, there …

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