Tag Archives: cleanliness

July, 2022

  • 11 July

    12 Facts You Always Believed That Actually Aren’t True

    believed, facts, science, travel, people, health, food, bacteria,

    Many of the assumptions you make about life, and everything included in it, are based on tall tales and hearsay. As time goes on, myths and tales become reality for some and they basically believe it to be true; even though it’s scientifically disproven. Today, …

July, 2020

  • 4 July

    10 Germiest Household Items That Can Become Your Worst Enemies

    germiest, places, home, entertainment, science

    With everything going on, most of us have been cleaning our homes like never before. While cleaning the most obvious things can indeed protect us from harmful bacteria, there are things that we sometimes tend to overlook. For instance, one of the germiest things in …

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