Tag Archives: Animals

February, 2019

  • 16 February

    Scientists Discover Sharks Living Inside An Active Underwater Volcano

    volcano, sharks, science, facts, nature, animals

    Our planet is a beautiful, yet mysterious place. With all the developments in science, we are only now beginning to discover and learn new things about our beautiful planet. When scientists sent a robotic camera to Kavachi, an active volcano off the coast of New Guinea, they …

January, 2019

November, 2018

  • 26 November

    11 Rare Feline Species You Probably Didn’t Know Existed

    Bengal cat, kitten, feline, facts

    Unlike dogs, cats domesticated themselves to be part of our lives. There are many feline species around the world that have adapted to changes. Ancient carvings show that even the Egyptians worshipped them. They were treated as royalty and given all the luxuries available at …

  • 18 November

    16 Albino Animals That Look Like They’re From Another Planet

    albino, animals, planet, facts

    Animals have long existed in our planet. They have roamed the forests and have more knowledge of this universe than most of us. Some of them are even capable of detecting the Earth’s magnetism and migrating from one place to another. While they hold a …

  • 15 November

    10 Amazing Facts About Man’s Best Friend

    dog, sleeping, facts, life

    Animals have a positive impact on our life as well as our health. They can be uplifting at times and have been doing so for centuries. Even scientists agree on this and according to them, having a dog can increase a person’s lifespan up to …

  • 5 November

    10 Strange Facts for People Who Like Strange Facts

    orangutan, facts, strange, life, nature

    Amazing things happen all around us. While we indulge ourselves in work, we often miss things that might be interesting. Learning knew things is always good because it keeps our brain active and healthy. For your learning pleasure, we have gathered a few strange facts …

October, 2018

  • 29 October

    11 Rare Animals That Are at the Brink of Extinction

    Manis temminckii, animal, endangered, nature

    Humans are the most dangerous animals on the planet. Since our introduction to this world, we have depleted and destroyed many wondrous things. Each day, many animals who roamed the planet way before our existence are disappearing. Hunting, poaching, pollution, deforestation and habitat destruction are …

  • 17 October

    10 Unearthly Creatures That Roam the Deep Sea

    animals, fish, ocean, deep blue sea, Pacific, Atlantic, Mediterranean, Indian Ocean, Antarctic, Earth

    The ocean is a massive place. It’s so massive that it covers almost 71% of our planet. Even though we are surrounded by oceans, mankind has yet to conquer this gigantic beast. We have only explored and uncovered 5% of it, leaving two thirds of …

  • 11 October

    10 Surprising Facts About Dogs You Probably Didn’t Know About

    dog, sleep, happy, life, animals, fact, facts

    For centuries, dogs have been part of our lives. Man’s best friend is always there during the best and the worst of times. While all animals are unique and special in their own little way, dogs managed to climb to the top of the list …

September, 2018

  • 27 September

    10 Heroic Dogs Who Risked Their Lives to Save Their Owners

    dog, dogs, rescue, life, animal, animals, nature

    Dogs are everyday heroes in some ways. Not only are they our best friends, but they also help us in many ways; such as guiding, rescuing and even sniffing out hidden things like diseases. At “ruff” times, they are reliable and will be there to …

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