
11 Random Facts That Are Thought Provoking

thought, facts, life, people, science

The world is such an extraordinary place that even the most ordinary, boring, every day stuff will have an interesting backstory. In fact, some of the things we tend to overlook or consider to be insignificant, contain some of the most interesting facts. As we …

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10 Fascinating Facts About Spider-Man

Spider-Man, comic, facts, life, people

Using his powerful webs, Spider-Man has managed to spin one of the greatest comic book careers of all-time. Stan Lee and Steve Ditko created Spider-Man, more than 60 years ago in 1962. The quintessential Marvel character is one of most popular superheroes of all time, …

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An Extremely Rare “Blonde” Zebra Has Been Photographed in the African Wild

zebra, facts, animals, nature, life

Planet Earth is home to approximately 8.7 million species – with 6.5 million species on land and 2.2 million in the oceans. Scientists from the Census of Marine Life came to this conclusion using a new and advanced analytical technique. However, when we consider the …

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10 of the World’s Most Dangerous Tourist Destinations

destinations, facts, people, travel, life

Most people take vacations to relax and get in touch with their inner self. Then there are a few, whose only goal is to get an adrenaline rush. For those who are more interested in less relaxing and more adventure, there are places around the …

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12 Foods That Accelerate Aging And Make You Look Older

aging, life, people, facts, health

Compounds called AGEs (Advanced glycation end-products) speed up the aging process in your body. Your poor diet can be a direct link to wrinkles, fine lines, dry skin and even hair loss. It can also damage your skin’s collagen, which is the protein that keeps …

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NASA’s Before-and-After Images Show How We’re Transforming the Planet

Aral sea, China, transforming, NASA, science, facts

Since our introduction to this planet, we have been replacing nature and other species to become dominant. At the same time, knowingly or unknowingly, we have been transforming this planet into something different. For centuries, we have been clearing forests, rivers and moving animal species …

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Experts Say: People Over 40 Should Only Work 3 Days A Week

work, people, life, facts, science

Let’s be honest. No one likes five-day work weeks. However, responsibilities are a driving factor for us to work every day. If you’re over the age of 40, then scientists say that you should definitely avoid working five days a week. According to a report published …

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10 Little-Known Organizations That Are Making the World a Better Place

organizations, facts, life, people, story, planet

As humans, we wish to protect Earth and its living beings. For this reason, we often donate to charities or organizations that are fighting for the cause we believe in. With so many of them claiming to take responsibility, we often find ourselves in a …

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17 Weird Laws That Still Exist In The United States

laws, food, facts, life, people

Since the rise in internet usage, it’s not unusual for us to come across some story that is much more unusual than what we see and hear about everyday. It might be hard to believe those urban legends or rumors, but what happens when it’s …

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12 (More) Hidden Messages in Company Logos

Goodwill, facts, logos, life, people

Logos are an important asset in business. They are not just pictures of texts but rather are mascots of a business or company. There are millions of companies with their branded logos but only a handful of them remains in our memories. This is because …

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