
10 Examples of Fighting for Animal Rights That Make Our World a Little More Humane

dogs, animals, cats, nature, rights, love

Animals have been roaming this planet, long before mankind took over and showed authoritarian power. And for centuries, we have co-existed together, helping each other survive on this planet. However, the innocent living beings lack the ability to voice their concerns, so it is our …

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This Timelapse of A Single Cell Becoming An Organism Is Extremely Captivating

organism, nature, Earth, science, photography, facts

The universe is shrouded with mysteries. As technology advances every day, we are able to see and understand things that were previously unknown. Today, manmade robots, satellites and probes are traveling millions of light years away and sending information so that we have a better …

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11 Uplifting Facts to Brighten Up Your Day

uplifting, animals, facts, life, nature, science

Bad news spreads fast through the internet. The media tends to focus on negativity, since it attracts viewers and they can profit from it. With all the bad things that are happening around us, some of the best things on our planet go easily unnoticed. …

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Scientists Discover Worms That Can Eat Plastic and Save our Planet

worms, nature, science, facts, life, animals

For centuries, we have been trying to find a solution to the ever growing problem of plastic pollution. It is estimated that more than 100 billion plastic bags are used in the U.S. every year. And in order to create such large quantities of plastic, more …

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Scientists Discover Sharks Living Inside An Active Underwater Volcano

volcano, sharks, science, facts, nature, animals

Our planet is a beautiful, yet mysterious place. With all the developments in science, we are only now beginning to discover and learn new things about our beautiful planet. When scientists sent a robotic camera to Kavachi, an active volcano off the coast of New Guinea, they …

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Heartbreaking Photos of Pet Owners Saying Farewell to Their Beloved Pets

beloved, pets, animals, nature, facts

Our pets are our life. We grow with them, make memories and share everything with them. Losing them is the equivalent of losing a beloved family member. Our pets are there to comfort us during the worst times and rejoice during the best times. However, …

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10 Surprising Things Dogs Can Smell

smell, dog, facts, people, science

For the vast majority of humans, perception is handled through sight. While hearing, sense of touch, taste and smell do play major roles in our lives, how we perceive the world or our reality is defined by sight. For dogs, this isn’t the case. Dogs see …

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11 Rare Feline Species You Probably Didn’t Know Existed

Bengal cat, kitten, feline, facts

Unlike dogs, cats domesticated themselves to be part of our lives. There are many feline species around the world that have adapted to changes. Ancient carvings show that even the Egyptians worshipped them. They were treated as royalty and given all the luxuries available at …

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10 Dog Breeds That Have Changed Over Time

breeds, dogs, facts, life, nature

Dogs may be our best friends but they haven’t always looked the same as they do today. For centuries, we have co-existed with them and helped each other survive. Many of the popular dog breeds today developed a special look based somewhat on their function. Back …

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16 Albino Animals That Look Like They’re From Another Planet

albino, animals, planet, facts

Animals have long existed in our planet. They have roamed the forests and have more knowledge of this universe than most of us. Some of them are even capable of detecting the Earth’s magnetism and migrating from one place to another. While they hold a …

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