
10 Pictures of Famous First Times in History

famous, history, facts, life, people, sicence

Since the invention of the first camera, mankind has been able to document a lot of historic moments mankind has achieved on this planet. Some of the images are a gentle reminder of how far we have come since it was first discovered. Everything that …

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10 Random Facts That Will Stop You in Your Tracks

life, people, facts, random, tracks

The world is an amazing, yet crazy place. With information available with just a few clicks, we can learn about our weird planet and its inhabitants without much effort. For instance, did you know that your cell phone is infested with bacteria or that traces of …

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12 of the Most Captivating Photographs from History

captivating, history, life, people, facts

In 1911, American newspaper editor Arthur Brisbane coined the phrase, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. He was right, since pictures are capable of taking us back through time to relive a moment. Historical photos can especially be captivating since they tell stories about the historical …

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The Door to Hell: A Giant Hole in the Desert Which Has Been Burning for 48 Years

Darvaza, karakum, desert, life, facts

Our planet is a mysterious yet amazing place. There are places that are breathtakingly beautiful and then there are places that can unleash hell itself. Deep within the expansive plains of Turkmenistan’s Karakum desert is a jaw-dropping phenomenon that keeps defying expectations. Locals call it …

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10 Wild Things You Won’t Believe People Used To Believe

Belief, facts, life, people, history

Since the invention of the first wheel, mankind has come a long way. Today, our inventions are scouring galaxies light years away, and cancer related fatalities have decreased by 25%. We didn’t achieve all of this overnight, though. It took brilliant men and women years, …

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10 Unexpected Geographical Facts They Didn’t Teach Us in School

geographical, facts, life, people, Earth

Life really is bizarre. As we grow up, we come to realize how different the world is and how some things never make any sense. Maybe that’s why teachers tend to focus on topics which are fundamental and well-known facts. Beyond those boring basics, there’s …

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10 Facts That Will Totally Mess With Your Perception of Time

time, history, facts, life, people

Time is something we have no control over. Physicists describe time as the progression of events from the past to the present into the future. It can also be considered a fourth dimension of reality, used to describe events in three-dimensional space. While we imagine or associate certain …

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10 Strange Accessories That Were Atrociously Popular Back in the Day

accessories, facts, life, people, fashion

Throughout history, men and women have done things that they considered to have increased their beauty or allowed them to express themselves in a better way. While some of them were classy, there were several that have out done themselves with some pretty outrageous things …

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10 Amazing Facts That Will Impress You

food, nature, people, life, facts

Our world is a mysterious and wondrous place to be. Although we think we know everything about our planet, there will always be something new that will not only impress us but leave us wondering how and why? New technological advancements in the field of …

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