
10 Amazing Movie Facts to Make You Smile

movie, Interstellar, science, technology, Hollywood

Hollywood has presented us with some of the best movies in the industry. Whether you are a fan of action, sci-fi, thriller or comedy, actors manage to win our hearts through their outstanding performances. This prompts us to learn more about them and how they …

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10 Greatest Discoveries That Were Actually Mistakes

discoveries, science, life, facts, people

Some brilliant minds spend months, years or even decades trying to invent or discover something they believe in. Discoveries such as microwaves or matchsticks help us every day in our lives, but did you know that they were actually discovered by pure accident? While their …

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10 Answers to Questions We Have Always Wanted to Know

answers, facts, history, life, science

For years, we grew up hearing unanswered questions. Although most people try to come up with the most reasonable explanations for them, we never knew whether it was in fact true or not. For instance, did the chicken come first or did the egg? What …

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11 Curious Facts to Boost Your Brain

curious, facts, life, people, science

There are so many amazing things happening on our planet that we can never learn everything nor find the time to share the things we learned with our loved ones. For instance, did you know that the higher the altitude of an airport, the longer …

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10 Events in History That Sound Fictional But Are Actually Real

fictional, facts, people, history, life

As we move through time, we create several historical moments that will be remembered forever. The events are then taught to the younger generation so they are aware of the brilliant minds that worked hard to achieve what was once thought to be impossible. Today …

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10 Photos That Make Us Believe in Time Travel

time travel, people, celebrities, facts, life

Time travel – moving between different points in time – has been an interesting topic for decades. Whether it’s scientifically possible or not, the ability to travel through time to stop certain events from happening or altering our future does seem pretty impressive. Hollywood movies …

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10 Times People Discovered Strange Things in Storage Units

storage unit, facts, life, people, wealth

From precious records to rockets, there is a huge list of things that were recovered from abandoned storage units. According to a recent report from the commercial real estate publication REJournals, there are more self-storage facilities in America than there are McDonald’s restaurants. Each storage …

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10 Random Facts That Are Guaranteed To Make You Say “Whoa”!

facts, science, guaranteed, life, people

Some facts are so surprising that they are powerful enough to make us wonder if they are indeed real. As an enthusiast, our cravings to know the world beyond us is not going to cease. For that exact reason, we have collected some amazing facts …

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10 of the Greatest April Fool’s Pranks That Put Us All to Shame

April, prank, traditions, facts, life

April Fool’s day is like the official holiday of the internet since countless websites come up with some of the cheekiest ways to fool their readers. However, April Fool’s hasn’t always been celebrated digitally. For decades, the tradition of pulling pranks on people was done …

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