
10 Things That Used to be Trashy But is Now Considered Classy

lobster, food, classy, history, facts

Life is not the same as it was centuries ago. Today, we have smartphones, GPS guidance, satellite imagery and what not. We are living in the future and technology is developing day by day. Our ancestors did not have these luxuries but still managed to …

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These Windowless Airplanes Will Give Passengers High-Res Panoramic Views

windowless, flying, planes, facts, people

For more than a century, airplanes have been an efficient mode of travel. It’s the fastest means of transport available today and millions of people around the world choose this every year. The window seats however, are the best place to be while on air. …

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10 Amazing Facts About Usain Bolt, The Fastest Man On Earth

Athlete, facts, Usain Bolt, Jamaica

Everyone knows Usain Bolt as the fastest man on Earth. The legendary figure from Jamaica has a remarkable track record and career. Without a doubt, we can say that he’s one of the most promising athletes in the world right now. History will remember him …

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15 Everyday Things You Didn’t Know Actually Have Names

Morton's toe, names, things, facts

There are things we see everyday but do not know what their actual names are. In some cases, we don’t even expect that things as simple as the metal part of a pencil that holds in the rubber has a specific name. And that is …

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10 Strange Facts for People Who Like Strange Facts

orangutan, facts, strange, life, nature

Amazing things happen all around us. While we indulge ourselves in work, we often miss things that might be interesting. Learning knew things is always good because it keeps our brain active and healthy. For your learning pleasure, we have gathered a few strange facts …

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10 of the Most Inspirational Rags-To-Riches Stories Ever

Colonel Sanders, KFC, people, inspirational

For some, success is something they obtain at birth. Others have to work hard all their lives to make their dream a reality. “You need to spend money to make money”, is a phrase that is all too common for the wealthy. But, what about …

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11 Strange and Intriguing Facts about Halloween

Halloween, candy, life, people

Halloween is a special tradition that dates back to the eighteenth century. Candies, costumes and parties: what’s not to like about Halloween? Whether it’s for a good scare or for the candy, almost all of us love the the supernatural celebration with a long history. Creepy …

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Here’s What 9 School Lunches Look Like Around the World

Food, countries, nutrition, life, entertainment

Lunch is a time when kids get a chance to relieve some stress, refuel and interact with their friends. Each and every one of us has had a different experience with school and especially lunch times. While some choose to bring their own lunch from …

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11 Rare Animals That Are at the Brink of Extinction

Manis temminckii, animal, endangered, nature

Humans are the most dangerous animals on the planet. Since our introduction to this world, we have depleted and destroyed many wondrous things. Each day, many animals who roamed the planet way before our existence are disappearing. Hunting, poaching, pollution, deforestation and habitat destruction are …

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