
11 of the Longest Living Animals That Roam Our Planet

science, nature, living, life, animals

Earth, the third planet from the sun and the only planet known to have an atmosphere that is capable of supporting life. The shiny blue marble has been fascinating humans since we first began walking across its surface. In addition to being our home, it …

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10 Strange Facts That Are Actually Worth Sharing With The Whole World

worth, facts, life, people, weird

As the world of technology is advancing at a fast pace, we spend more time looking down at our phones than we do at each others’ faces. So, if you’re ever put in a situation where you need to come up with some conversation starting …

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11 Completely Useless Facts You Need to Know

useless, facts, people, life, science, history

There are often so many things happening all around us that our brains tend to only focus on things that are considered important. Whether our brain purposely ignores them or simply fails to recognize them, there are many things that are actually interesting. Here, we …

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10 Answers to Questions We Have Always Wanted to Know

answers, facts, history, life, science

For years, we grew up hearing unanswered questions. Although most people try to come up with the most reasonable explanations for them, we never knew whether it was in fact true or not. For instance, did the chicken come first or did the egg? What …

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10 Healthy Reasons You Should Eat a Banana Every Day

healthy, depression, facts, life, people, bananas

Bananas are not only delicious but they are extremely healthy for us, too. Also known as nature’s candy, they are naturally sweet, contain several essential nutrients, and are good for digestion and heart health. They are also affordable, making them one of the most exported …

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11 Curious Facts to Boost Your Brain

curious, facts, life, people, science

There are so many amazing things happening on our planet that we can never learn everything nor find the time to share the things we learned with our loved ones. For instance, did you know that the higher the altitude of an airport, the longer …

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Top 10 Deepest Places on Earth

deepest, nature, facts, Earth, life, travel

As we are becoming more and more technologically advanced, scientists are able to utilize the technology to learn and understand our planet better. It is true that we know more about the solar system than we do about our own planet. With more than 70% …

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10 Technologies From the Future We Can Buy Today

technologies, facts, science, people, future

In a world where technology is at its peak, it’s hard to impress someone with a gift. Almost everyone has iPhones or VR headsets. In fact, within a few years, VR will be a thing of the past and we will be watching movies and …

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10 Unusual Candies From Around the World

candies, food, facts, life, people

The world of candy doesn’t just revolve around chocolate and gummy bears. In the ever-evolving world of candies, there are different flavors and varieties. For most of us, some of these might seem gross or even just plain weird, but not for many others around …

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