
10 Weird Facts About Cats That You Never Knew

Cats and humans have been living in symphony for more than 10,000 years. If you take a look at history, the ancient Egyptians held cats in the highest esteem. They worshipped a Cat Goddess, often represented as half feline, half woman, and punished anyone who …

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7 Things Flight Attendants Notice About You When You Board a Plane

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Flight attendants might look happy and calm but don’t be fooled by their friendliness. They are not only trained to provide good customer service but also to keep a close eye out for any threats. From the moment you board a plane, you are under …

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Are You A Nice Person? 6 Everyday Problems Nice People Experience

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We cross paths with different types of people every day. Whether it be workmates, family or friends, everyone has their own unique personality. While some might be kind to you, others might be sticking around for their own advantage. Nevertheless, nice people always put a …

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How Tall People From Different Countries Are

women, men, USA, US, United States, Britain, Europe, People, life, Inspired, fact, facts, tall, height, love

Has the question “which nationalities are the tallest?” ever crossed your mind? Well, if not, then we are going to put that thought inside your head today. Thanks to the most comprehensive study on human height around the world that was published by the scientific …

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8 Psychological Phrases to Know If You’re Dating a Narcissist

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According to the Mayo Clinic research group, a narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder. Sufferers of this disorder will have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. They believe that they are superior to others but behind that mask …

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10 Amazing Archaeological Findings That Were Purely Accidental

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For some, archaeology may sound extremely boring. Constant digging through sand and rocks to discover bits and pieces. But if you are someone like me, history is a thrilling subject. Archaeologists dedicate their lives to discover extraordinary things that give us an insight into how …

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10 Everyday Symbols You Didn’t Know The Meaning Of

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Whether we are walking down the street or driving down the highway, there are hundreds upon hundreds of symbols and signs that advertise products. These catchy symbols and advertisements have a huge influence on us and alter our decisions on how we shop and what …

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8 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Stop Drinking Diet Soda

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Most of us have the habit of drinking soda with breakfast, lunch or dinner. Some of us prefer diet soda, since manufacturers have a way of convincing us that it’s much healthier than regular soda. Diet sodas may be calorie-free but a new report suggests …

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