
11 Amusing Facts About Everything in this World

The world is filled with so many fascinating facts that we can learn something new every day, for the rest of our lives. Not only do these facts provide us with knowledge, but they make us superior to our peers. For instance, did you know …

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10 Places Where Gravity Seems to Work in Reverse

gravity, science, entertainment, facts, Earth

Legend has it that when a young Isaac Newton was sitting under an apple tree, an apple fell on his head. The “aha moment” made him think of the why and how’s, which eventually led him to come up with his law of gravity. Gravity …

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10 Optical Illusions and Phenomena Only Seen In Nature

optical, illusions, facts, life, people, travel

From time and time again, mother nature surprises us with her magnificent beauty. At the same time, she also reminds us of the sheer power that we often forget. While humans are known to create optical illusions, the ones you see here are not manmade …

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10 Smart Features That Only Wild Animals Possess

animals, facts, science, nature, Earth

Animals have been roaming this planet, long before we took over. In order to adapt to the constant changes and to ensure their survival, wild animals evolve. While some of the traits they receive as part of the evolutionary process can appear as mistakes, they …

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10 of the Last Unexplored Places on Earth

Earth, planet, unexplored, facts, travel

Explorers have scaled the world’s tallest mountains to the deepest parts of the oceans. In this era, it’s hard to imagine places that are untouched or unexplored by humans. Surprisingly, there are still corners of our planet that is either hidden from the outside world, …

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10 Greatest Discoveries That Were Actually Mistakes

discoveries, science, life, facts, people

Some brilliant minds spend months, years or even decades trying to invent or discover something they believe in. Discoveries such as microwaves or matchsticks help us every day in our lives, but did you know that they were actually discovered by pure accident? While their …

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10 Random Facts That Reveal Amazing Things About the World

reveal, facts, life, people, science

Every time we think we understand the world, something new comes up to remind us that there’s still a lot to learn. For instance, coffee is one of the most famous beverages in the world. More than 400 million cups of coffee are consumed every …

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10 Absolutely Amazing Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

absolutely amazing, facts, science, history, life

Every day, mankind is making history. Brilliant men and women on our planet are discovering things that were previously unknown. As these brilliant minds gaze into the eyes of science and solve mysteries, it helps us understand and make life better for future generations. These …

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10 Eye-Opening Maps & Charts That Will Change the Way You See the World

maps, charts, science, planet, Earth

The easiest way to understand anything is with the help of maps and charts. Not only do maps help us make things look simple, visualization also helps us remember those things for longer periods of time. Have you ever wondered how many billionaires there are …

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Top 10 Surreal Looking Animals That Really Exist

surreal, animals, nature, life, Earth

Surrounded by beautiful and surreal creatures, planet Earth is an incredible place. The fascinating looking creatures roam both our oceans and lands, yet we rarely see them. Mystified by the beauty of mother nature and the animals that look like they are something out of …

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