Tag Archives: useful

May, 2022

  • 23 May

    15 Essential Facts That Will Be Useful In Your Everyday Life

    essential facts, life, people, weird, science,

    With internet access readily available at our fingertips, we have unlimited access to more than 1 million exabytes of information. Still, we manage to indulge ourselves into the constant noise of social media and the 24-hour news cycle. This can be frustrating at times since …

January, 2020

  • 3 January

    10 Crazy Useful Facts You’ve Never Heard Before

    cheese, facts, science, food, life

    The human brain is capable of storing more information than we can ever learn in a lifetime. According to Scientific American, our brains have the capacity to store numerous memories per neuron. Since the average human brain has roughly 100 billion neurons, this means that …

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